How does a knight in skolver with a grey owlite shield in personal colour red looks like ? Anyone able to get a picture ? Thanks :)
Costume query
i have downloaded .jar. but i cant seem to find the SK folder. i searched for threerings, spiralknights - but still couldnt find the SK folder. from the forum information, it seems the folder may be call different names, depending on which platform u r using (im not a steamer user). just to clarify, does it mean once i find this magical folder, i can just drop the spiral spy .jar into this folder, click on the same .jar, and the spiral spy is activated ? i tried searchin on youtube too, and found advance tutorials, but not the really basic stuff (ie how to locate the folder). hope someone can kindly help. thanks.
I think the magical file your looking for is the RSRC File.
It's not, falco. The file's just called "spiral knights".
Thanks for the suggestion ! but i still cant find it. anyway, im using the preview function in the mission section to view how it looks like. good luck all ! we must all work hard to save clockwork. ill be back later to do battle with the constructs and gremlins. argh. they are persistent ! but with the strength of all knights, we can do it ! yes, we can. march forth, slash hard, and stand your ground. *battle cry*
isnt fallconn the legendary bomber ? we are in good hands then. KNIGHTS, tonight ....we dine in hell ! *battle cry*
Generic. Go to Haven 1 and you'll probably find one.