Have you ever been surrounded in a room with Grimalkins in a party or solo i have but it was 4 people party but the grimalkins bit everybody and 3 or maybe 2 of us died xD
In a room surrounded by Grimalkins
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 16:49

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 19:48

Ha. Ha. Ha. You've discovered
Ha. Ha. Ha. You've discovered the amazing features of Spiral Knights. Congrats!
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 19:55

Have you ever been in a room filled with unlimited spawning Devilites? If you have not, you missed all the fun. Well, we had fun...
Wed, 08/29/2012 - 02:01

Processing Thoughts of You Always
Twelve t3 Rocket Puppies.
One of my teammates in an Arena level was especially moronic, and didn't appear to know anything about wave management.
I never quite managed to get all the dents out of that armour afterwards...
Also, interesting fact: Grimalkins may suffer from knockback from numerous sources, including Polaris/Supernova explosions and shieldbumping. They still don't take damage, though.
The number of grimalkins depends on the number of people in your party.