So I've been recently been doing jelly runs, and i seem to die often. Is there a way to not get hit that much? I've got pierce resistant armor so thats not the problem. My shield has the same. Im using a nightblade. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic. This is my first post.
Jelly King
Thanks man, ill try to get it down. You sure are a great guy! :)
Thanks man!
I should have also mentioned, if you don't have a second sword, but have a gun, you can use the gun to snipe Silkwings. Basically, while you are running from a horde of monsters, the somewhat safer alternative to repeatedly using charge attacks is to use your gun. The biggest advantage of the gun is you can snipe Silkwings while running. This is useful because your Nightblade won't deal much damage to them. Just remember you can't shield while you are reloading your gun, so either fire in bursts, stopping before you have to reload, or have care when you do reload.
Pick up these vials and try to save them until you reach the Jelly King:
1. Health
Chances are that if you're running the JK at 3*, you'll need to heal. Be sure to have as many as possible by the time you get to the King.
2. Poison
This is perhaps the most important offensive vial due to its ability to block his healing from mini jellies. Try to keep him poisoned at all times if possible.
3. Curse
Roughly as useful as poison. Curse will cause his attacks (and especially his spinning attack) to hurt him. Devastating for him, wonderful for you.
4. Fire or Shock
These both cause him to take small amounts of damage in regular intervals and keep his health down. Fire deals more raw damage, but shock will cause him to stumble, or, as I believe the game puts it, "spasm." IMO, either works just as effectively.
NEVER use a vial if the effect is already applied to him.
I believe if you can master these moves, you shouldn't have any problem
Well...since I don't know if you are talking about the entire run or the Jelly King by himself, I guess I will give a run down list of everything. As for your armor, your armor should be a last ditch safety mechanism. Your real defense comes from your ability to anticipate attacks and avoid or block them, as well as attacking at the right time and not getting yourself cornered. If you can do this, your armor isn't necessary. Later on, getting hit even once can spell your death, so as a rule of practice, prioritize skill and recognize armor as the last ditch fail safe that it is.
I'll begin with the same thing I'll end with, because it is the most important message: Take note of every time you take a hit, and figure out what you could have done to have prevented it. Sometimes it's as simple as avoiding playing on the top half of a battlefield as much as possible because you can't see the creatures below you as well.
Also, take note of when you can use your full 3 swing combo. If you can use it, it is the fastest way to kill something. The third swing will interrupt ANY monster's attack except some massive units like a Lumber, Giant Slime, or an Alpha Wolver. If you can get the third swing off, you will cancel whatever that creature is doing, even if it was about to hit you.
Now, without further adieu:
Jelly Cube: As long as you start your swing before it begins its attack, you should be able to always pull off a full 3 swing combo on it.
Mini cube: Same idea
Blast Cube: Same idea
Lumber: With Lumbers it is really helpful to first bait out its attack before going in. Simply running in front of it will often bait out its attack. As soon as you see its pre-strike indicator begin to flash, run around behind the Lumber. You have enough time for 4-5 swings. If you are quick, you can continually dance around the Lumber, hitting it once or twice before moving, until it dies.
Turrets: These guys are a bit tricky with timing your combo. If you begin your combo before the turret starts to flash to attack, you will be able to execute a full combo on it. If it starts flashing during your first swing, you will need to shield. It often helps to approach with a charge attack primed. Always be mindful of when it might fire and be ready to shield, even if you are mid combo. Again, if you can get away with it, land that third strike on a combo; the third strike will interrupt the puppy's attack so it won't fire. Also, if it is not a slime turret, you can approach away from the face of the turret. It will have to rotate before it can fire at you, buying you some time. It might even not see you coming.
Silkwing: Silkwings are annoying when paired with large, dangerous creatures. It can be helpful to run between it and the creature it is healing and active your shield to bump the Silkwing away. You can keep bumping it in this manner far away from other enemies where you can deal with it individually. If you aren't used to shield bumping, you might need to practice it, but it is a very useful technique. The bump occurs if you activate your shield with monsters next to you, but the bump will only happen right as you activate your shield. You can't hold it up and walk around bumping things.
Giant Lichen Colony: Fire two strikes and block. Simply repeat and it will go down fast. It is much easier if you take down all other units around it first. Killing Silkwings first is essential.
General group tactics
When faced with a group of enemies, the easiest thing to do is 1) charge your sword BEFORE they spawn, so you can unleash a friendly barrage of death to welcome them into their short existence. 2) Run around and keep doing charge attacks. Slimes are really dangerous, well any creature is really dangerous to approach when they are in a group. For a swordsman, often times the easiest way to handle a group of enemies is to charge your sword while running in a wide circle, leading the enemies to you but never letting them catch you. Just unleash your charge attack whenever it's ready. Keep doing this until their numbers are no longer threatening. You can do this pretty much anywhere on this level.
Sometimes Silkwings are a problem. Just run back some to spread the enemies out, then try to shield bump the silkwing off of its ally. I highly recommend you have a second sword to get rid of Silkwings easily. Other ways to deal with a Silkwing include letting it heal all of the creatures to full. The Silkwing will stay put with nothing to heal. At this point, you can lead the creatures away from the Silkwing.
For specific rooms...on the first floor, when you go to the left, there is a room with a lot of spikes. Here's what you do: run to the blue cubes that will unleash all the monsters. DON'T break them immediately. Wait until the spikes behind you come up, then count to 2. Now hit the cubes, and you will notice the spikes below you are down. Run through the lowered spikes back to the main area. This pulls the monsters away from the spikes where they are easier to fight.
For the room on the right, just run into the main room and fight them there.
For the second depth, when you are picking up the statue, be sure to lead the last group of monsters around the ring rather than try to fight them all near the statue. You will get trapped and die.
For the four keys:
Top left: Charge your sword before running in, go for the upper slime with your nightblade. Don't go down because you will attract the bottom turret's attention. Run back a room and pull the other creatures with you. This gets you out of range of the turrets where you can kill the other creatures in peace. For the rest of the top left, keep killing slimes to start and pulling the rest of the creatures away from the turrets. If you are having real trouble, break only one block leading into each room. The slimes will follow you out, but the Lumbers won't come until you widen the hole.
Bottom left: The easiest room. Save this room for when you are low on health
Bottom right: Second easiest room. Kill all slimes to start with before going after the switches. There are two mini jellies that will always respawn, but it's better to only have two of them following you than 10. Be sure to kill the rest before you are swarmed. It might also help to only break one or two blocks when you approach a corner and back away immediately after you break the blocks. Begin charging your sword. When it is charged, run back into the corner and smoke all the slimes there into oblivion.
Top right: Hardest room. Do it when you feel you are as healthy as you will get in those four rooms. If you are with a group, let someone else go ahead of you to pop the blue cubes. When they are almost to the blue cubes, start your way around the ring. By the time the cubes are popped, you will be right next to the top left turret. Kill it with impunity, then head south and get the other turret before moving in to help the others. If you are solo, DON'T pop the blue cubes immediately. Wait until the spikes behind you go down. Then hit the cubes and run away from the enemies immediately. Lead them around in circles, walking over the spikes when they are down as needed. Try to move in a circle around the room rather than zig-zags back and forther. This might take some practice to find a pattern of movement that works. The idea is to use charge attacks while running. If things get hectic, don't charge, just use regular sword swings, one or two at a time. Keep your distance from the monsters until you can whittle them down.
Sometimes you will be backed into a corner and have no where to run. If you can see this coming in advance, it is useful to run up to the monsters to cause them to begin an attack, then back up out of range. This buys you about 2-3 seconds while they attack for the spikes around you to go down. Once you are in a corner, the best thing you can do is block any incoming attacks, but as soon as possible rapidly drop your shield then reactivate it to bump off nearby enemies. Then run like Jesse James out of there.
Final room: This level is like an arena. You can practice controlling spawn waves. There are two groups of monsters that spawn. Every time you kill one group, another one spawns. Needless to say, if you kill both groups at the same time, TWO groups more will spawn. If you kill all but one monster in one group, then finish off the other group, only ONE wave will spawn. I recommend you kill the two gun puppies at the start. Kill everything that spawns after, and keep killing everything that spawns. Ignore the other creatures. This is the easiest way to complete this final part of the second depth.
Royal Jelly: Begin by killing off all the medium-sized jelly cubes. Don't ever bother with the polyps (turrets). Charge your sword and unleash on the king. If there are ever a LOT of mini slimes, take a few swipes at them. It only takes one hit to kill them, so if you can whip out 1 or 2 slashes, you can slay a large number of them easily. When the JK reaches his final phase, he will begin spinning around the map counter-clockwise and is invincible for the duration. Here's what to do:
When the king begins his spin move, start charging your sword. Stand WELL away from where the king might hit you while spinning. If he hits you when he is spinning, it means you aren't positioning yourself properly. Remember, he moves counter-clockwise in a big circle, so you should be able to anticipate where he will be several seconds in advance.
As soon as he stops spinning, move up and unleash your charge attack. Now, run around the arena and kill baby slimes until the king starts his spinning attack again. Charge your sword and repeat the process until he dies.
Remember to mind your distance to the king. If you touch him, you take lots of damage. So when using your charge attack, you will have to stand back somewhat so your dash leads you into him. If you are doing it right, you will never take damage in this manner.
Remember to pay attention to your surroundings. It's easy to get tunnel vision on the king, but before you go in for a charge, you need to watch for any mini slimes getting ready to dart at you. Simply move from where you were standing and the slime will not hit you. Watch out for incoming spikes from Polyps. Again, if you are doing it right and paying attention, you will not take damage from extraneous sources.
I mentioned several times in my guide the phrase "If you are doing it right." This is to tip you off to scenarios where I see a lot of Knights take damage where they are completely in control of not taking damage. If you can do these right, you will stop dying. This is skill-related and is up to you.
Most importantly, take note whenever you get hit and think about how you can prevent that from happening again, whether it is by focusing better, anticipating an attack, better awareness of what the monsters around you are doing, or maybe you just went in to attack at the wrong time. Maybe you cornered yourself because you weren't watching where you were going. Repeat this level many times. It's a great stomping ground to learn all of the tactics I've mentioned.
I hope something in here is useful to you. Try to not to get too frustrated. A lot of this stuff can take many runs to get down.