How did they work?
How do you see the strata symbol?
How did they work?
How do you see the strata symbol?
When was the new system implemented?
If there was a mineral that was sure to create arenas, I would use Clockworks again.
Everything about the old creation of gates is in here:
Is that Haven was once called Emberlight, at least according to the minimap.
Not exactly... each subtown had its own separate arcade, and your starting level was determined by which town you left from. Unfortunately, this meant that the highly experienced beta players all gathered in Emberlight, leaving haven to feel like a ghost town for the small flow of new players invited to test. (our only reason to visit haven was the bazaar; back then, there wasn't even an auction house)
The new system was designed to encourage mixing of old and new players. A nice side effect is that we can now choose what tier to start from without having to grind through the previous levels... though the crown fees to "skip ahead" are an annoying legacy of the old "start from haven" mentality. Since the new mission system made it possible to skip directly to T3 content without paying, those crown fees for clockworks gates have become increasingly irrelevant.
Wow i had no idea The arcade looked that different back than xD
Maybe this could work as to make Missions not so repeatable: Ask for a number of specific minerals to be able to get your elevator to the depth where the mission is. This way, people would need to make Arcade eventually and break the routine of Missions.
First missions would ask "any" minerals or none, and as we got deeper we would need to give the combinations required to get the stratas - as in, King of Ashes would need Yellow and Purple minerals - maybe 30 of each.
Well, demanding minerals woudl make full parties more appealing to maximize effectiveness too.
None of us ever had a good handle on how the beta gate creation system worked, and because it depended on an arbitrarily scaling number of players choosing (or not choosing) to deposit minerals, many gates would launch unfinished. At times, it took concerted community effort to get even a single gate that went past tier 2, and very little information was available on the number and type of minerals required to create a given level set. All we really knew for sure was each ring was a stratum, and pure red mineral deposits created arenas. But by Jove, that's all we wanted back then anyway., yeah. New system: was created for a reason.