so basically enclavean was going on about the lag on the asian side of the world....
I'm currently in HK and it turns out that he's completely correct. you should make an asian server.
now here's a video (bad fps quality, but doesn't matter much because I was lagging like that.) of me getting owned in lockdown, and not knowing HOW I got owned... /sad
Enclavean was right :/
Problem solved. Well, not really, but it's better than nothing.
Haha! Now you get a taste of the tears us Asians have to deal with ;)
Right now the only Asian server we have is the one Eten linked to above, we got a guild going already. :) Video tutorials on getting started coming soon! (Yes, it is a bit tricky to get on the Asian server with no instructions unless you read Chinese :p)
"Video tutorials on getting started coming soon!"
I know you say they're coming soon, but...HURRY UP WITH IT I WANT MY LAG-FREE SK-ING OMGWTUFHINBVSD~!~11!!1!!one1!!!!(shift+1)!!1!!
I'd love to go on that SK but I can't transfer myself and this is only a trip, I'm canadian T^T
if you quit this version I can has ur stuffz? :D <3
lol jk :)
"and this is only a trip, I'm canadian" Shouldnt you 'enjoy' teh country instead of playing videogames?
Uh... that's like the same amount of lag I get from my computer on the east coast of USA.
"Shouldnt you 'enjoy' teh country instead of playing videogames?"
Wh...what are you saying? Do you mean.. for him.. to like.. go outside? That sounds like a horrible nightmare :o
It's easy to guess when people are going to come charging at me. Harder to charge at them not knowing where they are.
ehhh I'm taking care of my grand parents .__.
I play at night when they're asleep
ooooohhhh no.
This makes me feel terrible for raging over everyone occasionally jumping a few steps forward or back from my bad ISP, your lag over there is just.... wow. How do you all manage?
I'm not sure about Hong Kong, but I can get 2 bars from Taiwan to the US server. Even when I played from China, the lag was manageable... for FSC and the like.
how did you get spiral running in ubuntu? i must know i have been trying for two weeks? how how how?!
Redblades it is ok u have serius lag in servers as do i am too, ur problem multiplies cuz u have bad FPS that plus to a bad Ping/Latency makes worst.
About the deads;
1.- The flourish full combos are deadly for the laggy players like all of us, be careful when face a guardian that do combos like crazy xD. the guardian with good ping as incredible adventaje over us, a shield that works, efective counter atacks with 3 hits combos that kill u an instant, hiting from distance. etc.
2.- Some dead are exclusively for the laggy there is no could be done for that.
1.- u are using valiance so much in unnecesaries times making u loss a battle, the use of the valiance is more of the time to stop an conter attack or damage from far, not for just deal dmg when u can do more dmg with the swords. many times u was killed cuz u use a valiance to hit a guy when 2 or more coming from ur back.
2.- When u face a guardian it is a bad idea do full GF combos if the guardian is full of shield life cuz u will be killed in counter attack even more if u dont have much energy bars.
U can get better it is only thing of practice and knows when atacks.
Playing with some lag and owning :P
It's, "advantage". Just wanted to correct you because I always see you spelling it wrong xP
Also It's amazing how good you do with all that lag :o
As someone who has 4 bars, I'd just like to say I'd rather have bar lag then frame lag, which I have, and in my opinion is far worse.
I think depends of the magnitude of both with in each case particulary is diferent.
Serell yeah i write prety bad :P
LOL I wasn't trying much, just trying to be a spammer. since from my experience you can get decent enough damage from just spamming GF combos haha
I see you spamming gran faust combo like mee :D
see you know how fun it is :)
and lol u have 2 bars fluctuating to 1 bar at least XD
I agree, don't think I'm saying 'lol yer lag is tiny mine is huge'.
For players with fast computers AND great connections, along with ASI VH/pierce max stuff, it's just crazy.
All I can say is I really, really, wish I didn't convert to steam. Before, I had little to no lag. Now, I experience heavy lag every game.
All I can hope for I guess is that my family gets a new computer soon, a 2007 mac isn't exactly dynamite.
I also enjoy your lockdown videos, so keep making them!
For me the lag comes for about 1-3 times a week. And my lag is about medium I guess...
With a crappy computer, LD is downright unplayable. I couldn't do a THING in LD when I played on my old computer even when I had 4 bars. Then I got a new comp and everything is good :D
well my last 1 month all days are very lagging in ld and SK in general, so my next movie will show pure lag :P, i prefer only 1 red bar than a inestable conecction with 2 bars to 1 and 1 bar to 2 with velocity variations.
/me looks at his own 4 bars. /me thinks about getting almost no lag spikes every day. Y I SUCK AT LD!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, ye got no asian power!
Learn from thy humble Enc and Bog!
(although bog doesn't provide videos)
Anyways, here's what I think people always do in LD(including myself)