Eyes can be seen on the spiral pith helm on the test server!

okay, I just now logged onto my test server account and made a new character. While I choosing his armor, I said to myself, "Why does the spiral pith helm look so weird?". It took me a second to see it, but now you can see your eyes through the holes on the spiral pith helm!
It makes it look better, but I can imagine it could look bad with some eyes.
It looks like I'm not allowed to post any pictures... >_>

LOVE the new proto gear :D
especially the flak jacket (Looks kinda like wolver armor)

The flak jacket wasn't an option when I made my new character!! Not sure why.
When I tried to make my characer, there were a couple options that just made me invisible... I'm assuming those were supposed to be the new armors...

I should point out that I did meet another knight on the test server and he had the flak jacket... I want one so bad now!!! Definitely a sweet looking new piece of armor. I REALLY hope OOO finds some way for existing knights to get one.

Easiest way for them to make everyone happy is to put some kind of half-hidden Snipe NPC in a corner of the Arcade and tell us about it by mail.
The NPC could have every single new proto armor available, they would cost 1 crown each and bind on purchase (and impossible to unbind, because 0 star) so nobody can profit from it.
Only "old" players who genuinely wants and likes the new proto armor costumes will get them then.
The only downside is that pre-update players will have 1 or 2 more proto costumes than the new ones. But that's still better than tossing a block of frustration (again) at every SK old timers and only giving to the new ones.
(They could also put them in the Featured Auctions but that will just make the Auction House very very messy.)

AH will be overrun by {insert_insult_here} buying every lot.

If it has to be in the AH, you could just put 999m of each item available for sale. And if they bind on purchase the meanies won't even have a reason to buy them anyway...
There is new proto gear, some nice cosmetic changes. :)