Summing up the new 'danger mission' didn't give me a feel of 'danger' at all.
I'm a gunner that does alchemer quick switching, none of my guns has ASI therefore I used 3* swifty shield combined with an ASI trinket, my loadout looks like this:
Deadshot set
Swifty shield
Hail Driver
Nova Driver
Dread Venom Striker
True Love Locket+Elite quick draw module
The level sceme was nice, with construct and undead, shock was annoying especially for people in lag zone. (Asia/Australia etc.)
Besides constantly getting shocked and rubberbanding the entire level was too easy, I stomped through with my 2 alchemers, didn't use Polaris at all (No danger=no trollaris spam).
The boss was disappointing as well, simply DVS'd him to his death.
Now the feedback+suggestions
Besides Boss and shock bombies, there're no new monsters at all, what makes danger missions hard? The new mobs or loads and loads of monsters. For instance HoI has loads of annoying fiends, trojans and wolvers. LoA has strong crusadors and cursed slag guards, c42 has toxioilers etc. The lack of a/several new mobs was disappointing.
Since gunners only gun, it took me quite a while to finish, but any Brandish charge spammer will easily finish the level.
The final boss has interesting tentacle (HENTAI?) attacks but they're too slow and easy to dodge, I had my DVS charging the entire time while dodging tentacles, got trapped in between the most narrow laser beam yet still didn't get hurt. 1st phase took me one DVS charge, 2nd phase 2 DVS charges and third phase 2+several normal swings. Way too easy. I'd prefer some insane arena like last room of LoA than a boss that does nothing besides summoning tentacles that are easy to dodge. (Hurt me please!)
A mission that allows you finish with swift shield is considered as easy to me, just like most danger rooms and clockwork missions.
My suggestion would be add more construct, like those annoying mecha knights and retroids that zombies.
I did somehow spoiled it but still worth a go yourself, it's a truly fun mission, no rage not intense at all.
I'm afraid not. I'm glad to hear that gunner made it through this. Well done. :)