Danger mission review

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Serell


I was able to place the key there, but not get it back :S
Please fix that.

First off, danger mission was easy. With a lil practice, I'll be able to solo it. It also wasn't creative. Shock and construct? Wow, such an awesome idea. Plus, it should have been all construct. We already have a all undead danger mission, we don't need to see anymore undead anywhere. An all shock + stun construct danger mission would have been awesome.

Portrait de Stealers
+2 Serell.

The shock puppy should be add more.

Plus, we need new construct monster :/ (like they did on another danger mission)

Portrait de Baodur

Y'know the Admin said not to show off your screenies~~ Supposed to keep 'em secret. But yes, it is unfortunate you had a bug, I'm sure you could contact a GM in-game and get the support you need to fix the problem. So in the end it's no problem at all, just a mere inconvenience~

I soloed it on my first try, so I really agree it's far too easy, and yes we have Undead all over the place, I think OOO loves undead for some reason. FSC is all undead, heck, Snarbolax has undead even, thank goodness Royal Jelly Palace doesn't. <-- They'll make it a Scarlet Fortress soon enough to add undead with the jellies. /giggle -- In all seriousness, I think it should have been more construct and less undead, and like I've read in other reviews, it should have been Fiend/Construct, I think that would completely fix the 'not a challenge' and the 'Undead again?' issues quite fast.

AND don't forget to vouch for the new proto to be available for us old players! <-- if you like the idea, which, who doesn't? So I'm not going to force you to +1 all of those, just saying maybe OOO will listen to us if we are numerous enough~ =D

A great poet once said, if you have to ask, you are always more thankful when you get what you asked for, but if it is just given, you won't even realize how ungrateful you really are. <-- I lied, not a great poet, it was just me, but heck it made it more dramatic while you read it right?