Ghosts in the Machine Feedback

I recently completed Ghosts in the Machine alone and I found a few flaws that could be fixed before final release. Although I did like the joke at the start of level two. After a creepy "help us" there was "THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN RESOLVED: PLEASE EXIT THE FACILITY", which made me fell out of my chair laughing.
1. There are far too many golden wisps in "Derelict" and far too many shock bombies in the left leg. A decrease in them would be nice.
2. The boss is far too weak. Here's a few ideas to fix it:
-Make the living wires invincible
-Add new attacks every phase
-Extend the electric ball shield around it!
3. Make it so the key puzzle in level one is mandatory since I spent no time doing that. Maybe add one last key to unlock a fifth door.
4. It's far too hard. Even harder than the Shadow Lair Firestorm Citadel and Shadow Lair Ironclaw Munitions Facility combined. I had to use about 15 1k CE revives here.
However, I did like the creepy atmosphere of the level and WHAT IS WITH ALL THE SUITS?! Also, the scariest part is when you step on the party button and then on accident you power up the giant battlepod. I jumped when I saw it power up. And the boss isn't creepy at all. If it had some sort of shattered eye and oil (ew, electric oil perhaps?) leaking out of it, then MAYBE I'll be scared enough. And one more thing: The entire mission felt like the sovereign slime, except undead, construct and shock themed.
Thanks for letting me test,
P.S. I did the mission while everyone else was offline, which explain why I went solo.

I agree, it's very simple. I didn't have much trouble at all, the shock is very very weak.
@OP: You should try wearing Divine stuff, I heard it was great there (If you don't sacrifice ALL your armor to get sword damage like me ^^). Being that Divine has Shock, Elemental, and Shadow defenses, it would seem a wise choice.

My exact gear:
Divine Veil
Divine Mantle
Crest of Almire
Dread Venom Striker
Argent Peacemaker
Nova Driver
Divine Avenger
True Love Locket x2
So I was using adequate gear, it's just that Shock can occur to you far too much. Which can get VERY ANNOYING.

@Cobalt-Star, the bombies will endlessly spawn if you keep going up in that area and make the monitor go off. This can become a problem if you do not dodge these enemies well and shield bump them away, if you can do so, it means you can farm health easily from there.
@Baodur, the only issue with the whole Divine Set is that it provides no normal defense whatsoever, which will wreck you if you get hit by enemy attacks and traps quite fast.
Also I clearly do not understand how people think this mission is very difficult, I've found this Danger Mission to be slightly more difficult than Tier 2 Boss areas.
Hmm, I and some other feedback I read say that it was a bit too easy. Are you using adequate gear and weapons?