It's very simple. It only takes 1 person to do, and it is almost guaranteed to work.
All this ONE person has to do (it could be you!) is this:
1. Spend $10,000 on crystal energy
2. Sell 40,000 shares of 100 CE for a low price of your choosing, probably between 4000-6000. If it is sold at too low a price, it will quickly get bought up and nothing will have happened, and if it is sold too high than it won't make much of a difference.
3. Sit back and watch. Many people will jump on a chance to buy CE for much less, but even so it would take quite awhile to buy up 40,000 shares. Some "rich" players will most likely try to buy a lot of it to keep the prices high, but again, 40,000 shares is a lot to buy up. If sold at 5,000 per share it would cost 200,000,000 (two hundred million) crowns to buy it all.
4. As it gets bought up, you will be getting a lot of crowns.
(option A) You can then use these crowns to buy up more expensive shares (like the 8,800 ones) and re-sell them at lower prices. This could be risky, because the crowns you give the rich players could be used to buy your low priced shares and re-sell them at higher prices. However, it is more likely that they will take their shares off the market and sell them at lower prices before you buy them up. If it works, then the market is almost guaranteed to be stabilized at lower prices.
(option B) You can roll in 200,000,000 shinies and hope that step 5 goes well.
5. Once the rich players realize that nobody is going to buy their overpriced shares, they will be forced to sell them at lower prices to compete with your shares. Thus, the market has been stabilized at lower prices. What will most likely happen is that there will become thousands of shares below your huge amount. Let's say you sold at 5,000. Well all your 40,000 shares won't all be bought. So lets say you have 30,000 shares left. So basically new CE will never be sold for above 5,000 while you still have shares left.
(option A) You could slowly lower the CE prices even more by gradually lowering your giant buildup of shares every couple weeks. However, remember that the lower the prices go, the faster shares will be bought.
(option B) You could leave your shares where they are, guaranteeing a stable, reasonably priced CE market until all your shares have been bought.
6. At first, OOO might be unhappy because less people will be buying CE, but they will also notice that you gave them $10,000 dollars and probably give you a whole bunch of free stuff and name an item after you. On the off chance that they don't, you could just buy every single 5* item in the game anyway, and all the aesthetics you want.
7. ????
All you have to do is whip out your moms credit card and SK will once again be filled with happiness and freedom!
Freeze! I'm Ma Baker, put yo hands in da air, gimmeh all yo mon-nay.