Ghost in the Machine feedback

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Narfle

First, the atmosphere is awesome--like a deconstruction zone gone horribly wrong. Some reviewers have mentioned not liking the open level format, but I personally enjoyed it. The arena-style battles are still in close enough spaces to make them a fun challenge, and the open areas between offer some fun twists and turns as you negotiate floor traps, etc.
One note, however (and perhaps this has more to do with my own graphics settings): it wasn't immediately clear that the cords on the floor were/weren't breakable, and while I can understand the argument that discovering where the cords can be broken is part of the challenge on the second level, it was more annoying than challenging. Perhaps some slight graphical indication of where the cord can be broken would help, so that the players can focus on baddies, traps, etc.--especially coming from the first level, where the cords are just a regular obstacle. Similarly, the mechanism for removing the cords to get to the statues on the first level wasn't immediately clear. Not sure if I got it right--and I'll be heading back to check this--but placing one statue removed the cord for the next, yeah? I had no problem with that part of the puzzle, but in order to free the fourth statue I finally had to change the order of the statues I had already placed (?), and by that point in the level, with all the baddies already dead, it felt like an unnecessary hoop.
I really enjoyed the new enemy types--the shocking bombies, especially, were pretty nasty in such close quarters, and in large numbers--but in the end I didn't feel like we saw as much of the new baddies in general as we have with some of the others. Also, speaking of the enemies, while the boss battle was fun, not seeing any of the new critters in the final fight of the mission felt a little odd. I would suggest perhaps making the final room a little larger and adding some respawn pads for baddies of some sort. Hard to imagine that the big machine wouldn't have some critters around to guard it after everything you battle through to get there. Similarly, starting the battle with a salvo of bombs and then not carrying that attack through the rest of the fight was a little strange--was that a glitch?
Last but not least, a few people have mentioned the text accompanying the mission: I'm fascinated by the bits we have, but it feels incomplete atm, and especially not having any plot resolution in the final room with the empty suits, etc. The suits aren't 100% spiral order, but being modeled on the demo suit, it still comes across as a knights' research facility of some kind--so why do the recons in the beginning say it's a previously unknown facility? Might want to vary the model of the suits a bit more if it's not supposed to be spiral order, and regardless we need more info at the end, even if it's just a teaser for things still to come.

Imagen de Narfle
Also, new protos +1

Give us a shot at 'em? Please?

Imagen de Baodur

Yeahhh.. I felt left out at the end I was like "TREASURE!!! MY PRECIOUS!!!" and then I was like "PRECIOUS PRECIOUS PRECIO--- Wait a second... did all the dialogue of the story just drop off the deep end?" And I found myself completely clueless the reason we even went down there, I'll be reading all the dialogue I can find again, just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but it would be nice to have a bit more info as to what this place is.

Thanks for bringing it up Narfle.

Imagen de Crimson-Cat

I'm assuming they don't want us to know the full details of the story until after testing is over...

Imagen de Narfle

It might not have been added yet, but that's the whole point--to critique/mention that something is missing in case it's a glitch. No reason to think that they're just holding plot back since they haven't done that with any of the previous material they've put on the testing server, ever.

Imagen de Toxicyoccm
Living The Waterfront Lifestyle Every Day

Was the knight at the end of Heart of Ice's treasure room that talks about the Everfrost tower there on the testing server? I could imagine OOO doing the in-game equivalent of a spoiler tag by removing the text.

Though, still good to question it. Mission sounds fun. Can't wait.

Imagen de Narfle
Yeah, it was there during the

Yeah, it was there during the second round of testing--if you look back through the comments on HoI, you can see it pop up in people's feedback.