3Rings, your deal with GameCyber for the creation of a HongKong server and a Taiwan server was a good idea, specially for us playing in Asia (and possibly in Australia), as we can play on those servers with practically no latency issues. Those servers are good for us, and the ridiculous prices we find in the AH there can be overlooked (someone sold a Mirrored Lockbox for 3k crowns and 1* materials are way too overpriced- even for small amounts).
Why can't we transfer our accounts to those servers WITHOUT the need to create a new account and start all over again? Because that is pretty much the options we are given, either create a new account and start all over again or remain stuck in the slow-paced American/European server. Forgive the term, but not thinking about allowing us to take our existing accounts to the servers closest to us is, as some would say, a pretty "dick move".
Please, 3Rings, give me an honest to God reply about this matter. Will it happen? If so, can we also transfer somehow the Steam accounts onto those servers?
[EDIT] If you want to show your support for this idea, please sign in your posts.
Well, dont just blame OOO. Maybe the asians wants everyone to start at the same level on their server.
There are also some items that would cause disputes (halloween masks, regalia, spiral bombhead, special packs)