Feedback Ghosts in the Machine

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de The-Rawrcake

First, just incase anyone else experienced this, for some reason I had lag. I never have lag (ever) and when I reached the room with the bombies that spawned like crazy if you hung out in the North, suddenly I had bad lag. I had a hard enough time getting to post this, so likely it is no big deal at all and just my connection. But I found it odd when the lag suddenly started in that specific room, so just incase others have been noticing this I decided to write this part up (even if it means nothing, just regular old lag due to my connection).

Due to lag I didn't get to experience the room / end after the battlepod boss (is it just a bunch of treasure boxes?).

I found most of the mission too easy, a lot like normal clockworks, and I suggest that there should be some Devil-IT's to go along with the content. That would make it a bit more challenging.

On the battlepod boss, I would definately reduce the amount of time it takes for the tentacles to strike the ground. They pop up at a good time, but we are given way too much time to avoid their downward attack. Sadly, I might have missed a boss phase or two since I couldn't stand the lag anymore, so I have no idea what the entire boss fight is like. From what I saw, it seemed that everything was a little bit too avoidable.

Also, I would use punctuation on the little flashy things we clicked on (yeah... not sure what to call them ><) because it seemed a bit odd reading the text without punctuation.

Portrait de Baodur
Rawr is I love cake in dinosaur?!

Oh you didn't miss anything bro, the rest of the boss is just the same with more lasers and tentacles come out at like 900 times the speed, but it's still too easy. I agree the entire place is a little too easy. I didn't realize the punctuation, the way people type on the internet has toned me down and I can't tell when people are typing correctly or incorrectly anymore, 'cept myself, I type fine I guess... And about dat lag~ I honestly had a tad bit of lag in that room too, however bombies are soooo easy to avoid that I didn't get hit. ;(