Like in WoW?
Any Addons for this game yet?
I can fathom 100 needs every hour. I want a chat addon so I can filter channels into separate windows. I want a health bar addon so I can see how much health JK and other various large baddies have left. I want a map addon that recognizes levels and gives me a popup with a quick layout so I can see what turns I sometimes still screw up. And that just took 11 seconds. There's plenty of things that could be done, but I don't think it will be. Browser games aren't that conducive to addons...
But at least two(Possibly all)of the things you just listed could easily just be put in through a Patch. I agree on the Health bar for bosses BTW, it would be useful.
Spiral Knights isn't a browser game, it's a Java application. That's different from an applet which is run exclusively from inside of a browser. There are ways of patching Lua and Python into the Java runtime by way of JNI interfaces. There are even XML readers built into the basic Java libraries. They COULD add mod support, but honestly there's no need to really besides chat segregation, and even that's something they could include native.
I can fathom 100 needs every hour. I want a chat addon so I can filter channels into separate windows. I want a health bar addon so I can see how much health JK and other various large baddies have left. I want a map addon that recognizes levels and gives me a popup with a quick layout so I can see what turns I sometimes still screw up. And that just took 11 seconds. There's plenty of things that could be done, but I don't think it will be. Browser games aren't that conducive to addons...
lol you do not qualify for input if you actually need a map addon.
The other things are all better put in the game itself. Also, as Feynt pointed out, this is not a browser game.
Seriously, WoW spoiled a lot of really helpless individuals.
It's impossible to have boss health-bars as an addon since you can't see how much damage your party members deal to an enemy.
Could work for soloing if you had the monsters hp formula, which we don't.
Well someone needs to tell OOO that they MUST make damage and defense calculations easy to figure out for people.
It's not about necessity, it's about optimization. Sure, I can find the elevator without a map addon, but if I have a map addon it saves me 7-8 seconds checking out to see if there is a gate or a crystal room.
The other things WOULD be better put into the game itself. The point is they AREN'T. That's why it's called an addon. You do know that it's fine for a developer to incorporate an addon into the game later one? Nothing stops them from doing that.
It's not about being helpless. As I said before, it's about optimization and decision making. I would use a boss addon, and then I would be a better player than you. Period. You can't mentally keep track of every point that all four players take off the health points of a boss; but a person with a health addon would be able to and properly predict phase changes sooner than the visual indicators of a phase change.
Personally I think this game is not that conducive to addons, and that they are not necessary. But that doesn't stop me from wanting specific ones so that I can improve my playing, shave seconds off my map run time, more quickly send mail with numerous attachments, separate out and color chat to my liking, and various other quirks that I want to customize MY way.
That's utter nonsense. Of the two bosses we currently have, the Jelly King is the only one that "changes phases" without warning. He'll be a dark-ish pink one moment, then start spinning furiously signifying he's low on health and in his rage mode, ending in a paler pink. What do you need to know besides "he's getting his butt kicked, keep at it!"? It's not like WoW where the monsters have tens to hundreds of thousands of hitpoints and we do several hundred to several thousand damage per swing.
As for a map mod, the floors don't change that often. If you've been to a floor once, it'll look the same the next time you return. All you need to do to determine whether you're missing something or not going down a path is to watch for a party button. If you see a party button, and there's a path you haven't gone down, turn back.
With a boss that regenerates and has a sea of goons hindering your path, it can be difficult to actually keep on him without subjecting yourself to reckless endangerment, which makes the nearness of his death a mystery even if he's in his Rage Phase.
And that's the charm of it. OOO actually removed damage numbers from the default game settings; you need to turn them on manually if you insist on seeing them (and many players do). This game seems to be moving away from HP counters rather than toward them. The designers prefer other ways of conveying a boss' remaining health, or shrouding it in mystery for extra suspense. I have a feeling we all better get used to that. :)
P.S. I never noticed the Jelly King changing colour... =/
Addons are actually helpful to 3R and players, not harmful or degenerate. Instead of 3R having to implement new mechanics into the game (like an auction house, or merging trade channels, etc. etc.), they can actually leave it "open for development" (which is pretty much free labor) and is what addons do for 3R. For players, it allows us to change the layouts/UI the way that makes US feel comfortable (personally, I would like to have my health as a circular gage under my characters feet, so I don't have to look far from the action to see if I need to use a pill).
Yes, some of these things 3R could just implement into the game and patch it....but that makes it permanent, and not everyone wants the same thing. A patch is a permanent fix, where addons can allow you to have a specific layout/ability even after further future patching. Plus...have you ever tried auctioneer for WoW? I'm sure 3R will probably make their AH simple and boring, but having the ability to see on-the-fly statistics of items over a length of time can give players an edge on market prices (we all want to get our crown's worth right?). You can argue that it puts unfair advantage on those with addons....but they would already have an unfair advantage on you anyway, it's called paper and pen (but addons at least give everyone a chance to have the same advantage, leveling the field).
A Map Addon would be very useful. At the moment the minimap is basically useless. It doesn't offer enough of view to show you much further than you can see yourself. At the very least an option to scale the minimap would be better, as to show dead ends or treasure/crystal rooms.
Making comparisons to subscription based games like WoW are pointless. They are designed around completely differently business models.
Subscription games are meant to be played in long sessions. They are designed around complexity so that players will continue to play as the game evolves. The appeals come from players wanting to dissect every little detail and figuring out how use this information to their advantage.
Spiral Knights is meant to be played in short sessions. You have the option of playing for longer spans of time but that requires getting deeply involved in the CE market. The appeal comes from exploration and experimentation.
What is so important about rushing through all of the current content? Bragging rights in an online game are fleeting. A map addon might be convenient, but it doesn't actually make the game more fun to play. Once you are familiar with a map layout, you already know where everything is in subsequent runs.
New players are very important for microtransaction games to function properly. The moment new players feel too intimidated by a casual game like Spiral Knights, the system falls apart. New players don't want to feel like they are at a huge disadvantage because they didn't use an addon to track the statistics of the auction house. They don't want complex damage formulas thrown in their faces at the outset. They just want to have some fun playing the game without feeling like they were "playing the game wrong".
Gonna throw in with what Velops and Kaybol said, times about a hundred and then some.
Spiral Knights seems to be leaning towards accessibility, immersion and exploration - that's what makes its charm to me, and that's what sets it out from all the other more complex MMOs out there. Even though there's some managing of statistics, Spiral Knights largely is NOT a numbers game, nor a speed game - hell, its not even competitive between players. Even the best equipped player can be knocked down in a carelessly handled fight and a poorly equipped player can often pull through against all odds if they are clever, and a low-tier player could easily save a high-tier player's bacon in a heated encounter.
If there were anything to be added on to the game, I'd really hope it'd be content, and not the in-game equivalent of tech-toys.
I disagree with the following statement:
"A map addon might be convenient, but it doesn't actually make the game more fun to play."
How can anyone dictate what is and is not fun? The answer is they cannot. "Fun" is very abstract and subjective, not limited to what any given person describes it as. I for one believe a map addon (or at the very least an option to use the minimap more than we use it now) would increase the amount of fun I have by a great amount. I don't take the time to memorize the layout of every level and it's at least slightly annoying when I walk down a god-awfully long passage at a fork only to find out it's a party button, and that the treasure chests lie back down that path and up an equally long one.
For the most part, though, I agree with you. I don't think addons are completely needed as this is a game that is very oriented toward casual players. But, being one of those people that plays for long periods of time, I'd like the ability to shave time off my runs or give me something new to play around with.
> "What is so important about rushing through all of the current content?"
Who says that everyone HAS to use the addons if implemented? Only those who LIKE them will be interested in using them, and will like the game even more so for it. It'll actually give 3R an incentive because more people would be willing to stick around. Eventually players will realize that the dungeons are nothing more than a graphical nethack (or dubbed down diablo), and the only real interest will eventually be trying to become "rich" (whether with crowns and/or CE). Having addons will allow enough variety in the game to keep players a little longer, and if/as new content comes out, it'll ease transitions.
addon for "move" lot item with 1 mousse slide , because clik 500 time on my mineral for make a door , it piss me off ! and i think its same for everyone.
wait 3R do that in patch ? we can wait looooongtime , they would have done at the base, if this is not done from the beginning, they never think.... but addon can make per particular , it change everything !
Shift-click will let you add minerals and stackable items in lots of 10. This also works in the energy market and at vendors, buying and selling, as well as player trades.
I am going to have to try it for trades. It has been a patch or 2 since I did a big trade, but last time I did I know that didn't work. Might have been stealth patched.
Thanks for this fast information Endymion , no one tell me that before , i dont know if the other knight know that but i would say around me , this will greatly help us.
if only the French community was listened to as ^^ , have a nice day everyone
edit :add a function or button "min" / "max" can be a great help also
!!! I didn't know about this! Oh man, awesome trick. I'll definitely try out this the next time I trade stuff. Fingers crossed that it hasn't been stealth patched. ;o
If OOO added a 10 Increasement thing for trades, I will cry with tears of joy. xD
I can finally mail over gigantic stash of light shards to my alt.
;c Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to work. At least, not for the auction or mailing.
Yea in my experience the shift+click only works for vendoring mass amounts of items. I guess health bars would be kinda nice for focus firing but any wounded mobs seem to run behind others anyhow.
Just tried shift+click for trading, doesn't work.
doesn't work in player trades either
Oops. Apparently I overshot. The mechanics for that apparently do indeed not work for player trades (and the auction house, though I didn't claim they did), just minerals, vendors and energy exchange. Apologies!
I knew it was too good to be true.
You guys have any idea of throwing that in sometime? Not specifically asking for a specific date, just wondering. =^D
@Endymion plz to be adding it to the auction house. Pretty much all the mats I sell are in stacks of 10.
Any way to extend this feature to everything? I don't know coding, so I'm not sure how hard it would be, but since the function is essentially there, it would be awesome if trading and auction houses could do it too.
No. I'm not even certain the game is set up in a way conducive to modification by external sources.
Moreover, I cannot even fathom a need for it.