September 5 Update - Discussion
it could do to be taken down another .25
or make pierce defense more useful in LD
Rommil that would make it significantly shorter than the brandish line, which already out damages the flourish.
Gee thanks for ruining another fun in the game OOO,no more snipe herding -_-
An actual nerf to the Striker Skolver Toothpick class?
Welp. All the better to further balance out LD.
Also Snipidgeons.
That's all I'll say on the matter.
Nick: "We are looking into issues regarding flourish-style swords. Thank you for your patience."
May you look at the Crystal/Shard bombs too? They seem to have quite a number of issues. Oh, and I am not talking about the whole changing a weapon for another, I mean things like disappearing shards etc. Why the sudden preference, aren't all weapons equal?
Swords are #1 who cares about bombs. Also who cares if the new shards bombs are terrible for pvp it's not like they had pvp testing for a reason. Yep -.(\
Snipes are cool.
I couldn't care less about wegner.
You broke milkman. He looks like a freakin zombie. So oogly.
The toothpick change isn't a good thing, in my opinion. I've yet to do extensive testing, but this makes it EXTREMELY hard to get faust using players on the edge of your range so the knockback kicks them out and they can't get a free counter every time you attack. I've yet to see if it's possible to flee faster than a faust with a 2nd swing of a toothpick, but there's no way in hell mouse users are going to be able to get out in time. If we're gonna nerf toothpicks, which DOES need to happen, we should nerf their damage, speed, or both. But not the range.
Would you be interested to see Nick and the Devs do one of the following?
- to post a time line of development on a quarterly or semi-annual basis; and
- to create a developer's blog for SK.
What these can do for you (including but not limited to CE economist, bombers and tooth pick swordies):
- rationale behind certain design decisions can be communicated ahead of time, so that when the actual change is being rolled out, it will not come to a total surprise to some people;
- to replace Graveyard #2 a.k.a. Suggestions Forum. It's too Y2K-ish and GM Eurydice could better utilize her time instead of moving threads from General to Suggestions (and then got forgotten).
Comments are welcome, thank you.
Toothpick range nerf seems fine. I wasn't having too much trouble with my fearless rigadoon in LD. I might play some more for further testing. What's so bad about reducing the range to match its actual animation? The reason why people hate the toothpick is, quite frankly, it is most annoying to die a thousand deaths by thin air.
Also, I would like that, Eltia.
EDIT : played some more LD, toothpick feels fine and I still see lots of people using them.
Wow.... Whelp, I guess I'll go back to playing Ragnarok online Untill something actually worth playing this game happens.
Only some of them fly away. Others don't. Don't worry! I think they just threw in a few ones that are scared of knights. The rest are perfectly normal.
About the toothpick change, keep it, I think. The purpose of heavy swords is to be STRONGER and LONGER range. Toothpicks undermine them. When you are using a toothpick(or any fast sword) you are supposed to be expecting a trade off between range and power for speed. Use your speed to attack GF users before they can hit you. QQ
I agree with the toothpick mini neff. I own a Final Flourish with Fiend Med and im doing LD all the time, yet, i believe its a first step in the right direction.
I like some of the other subtle changes not mentioned in the notes like for example the swipes being a red color for the Barbarous Thorn Blade now. I also don't really mind the range difference seems a lot more in line with what the swipe animation shows.
Tantarian mentioned:
Snipidgeons...Update of the year.
I believe the Snipidgeons was a balance compromise from:
The unbalanced Eurydice chasing the many winged knights flocked around the AH...
and laughing maniacally as they flew away...
whats wrong with the toothpick nerf, nothing, except all the lockdown players who are behind-hurt that their OP weapon took a hit. Ironically, the same names who were all "its good, the RSS needed to be nerfed!"
But don't worry, OOO will return the toothpicks to their previous standing, as lockdown players are the ones who spend the most money by far, so they will be appeased.
Yeah. Definitively gotta love how about 5/6 of the LD players are butthurt at this one tiny nerf simply because they can't stand at the thought of going to be at the same level as everyone else.
Really, if OOO knew what they were doing, they'd reverse the range of the Brandish and the Flourish so that Toothpickers would get the tiniest end of the stick at the exchange for amazing speed, and they'd leave it at that.
Man, that'd really change things around in LD, as most strikers would take brandish over flourish and then everyone would have a fair fight, and even if people still used flourish they'd have to be even more precise with their swings, again making the skill balance as equal as it could ever be. Hell we might not even need to take out stuff like trinket slots in LD if this nerf would make fights significantly more fair, and I'm sure people would like to have heart trinkets over weapon range any day.
Again, this is all wishful thinking; OOO will never pull this off because they're too afraid of like half of their community going away because of a nerf like this one. It's not even like a major nerf to the weapon like the RSS/ISB; just a range nerf.
Spiral Pith Helm was messed up.
but...i found an easy solution at 10kcr price :O
Rommil, illiterate much?
Nobody is complaining or "butt hurt" about the toothpick nerf.
I am a striker who enjoys using the FF weapon and tbh i LOVE the nerf. frankly i don't think of it as a nerf at all! The range of damage the FF could do before the fix was longer than a GF (or so it seemed) and i think that if a weapon is going to be that fast and do that much damage it should have a shorter range than a GF or DA. This was a perfect change to the game and i honestly think it will help out in the long run. btw Rommil, Thrill is right, no one is butthurt. But it seems you still are from the RSS nerf.
Perhaps it was pre-emptive, perhaps he misread something. I didn't see any butthurt, though if it was anything more I'm sure there'd be angry Skolvers shouting angrily.
And yeah, the RSS nerf wasn't nice. Blast Network bombs don't count, we bombers want some PvP action without feeling useless... some kind of fast-deployed bomb, pretty please with a Gel Core on top?
Update of the year.