This is our daily routine, FSC then lag, lag, lag.
Epic Aussie LAG xD Vid here.
Implying xenophobia doesn't really help your case I'm afraid.
Asia u say? Maybe it's just ur pc coz I'm in Asia too and I don't lag (well sometimes but not harsh like that)
PLZ ppl differentiate 'client lag' and 'server lag' client lag won't cause mobs to teleport around and randomly smack into you, that's obviously server lag. And I'm in Austraya, it's even worse lol, general speaking our country is in the middle of nowhere xD Cool to get us a server but that's apparently impossible. No one cares.
I have to admit, I've never lagged like that too, occasional lag and teleporting is like everyday lunch but not like that in the video. There's something to do with both my ISP and the fact there's no servers in our region.
Implying xenophobia doesn't really help your case I'm afraid.
Xenophobia? There's no xenophobia/racism/discrimination here, although sometimes I do rage and spam 'OOO is racist' but that's not the fact and yes, it won't help at all. The 'xenophobia' existing in SK is pretty much players with 'good ping' are scared of players like me with 'crappy ping and endless lag', I solo every mission excluding HoI, because devilites ignore my shield. We do try but sometimes inevitable raging makes us healthier. xD
No, I'm referring to "filthy junk Asians/Aussies".
You know, I never got why people stuck around long enough to get to T3 or whatever if the lag is that bad. You'd think people would just say "screw this game" and play something else. After all, OOO clearly doesn't want your business, so why give it to them.
Can I just say, I'm from Australia and I never lag that bad. It is most probably your internet connection or your pc or something. Latency yes, lag no.
Ping Three Ring's servers and got around 250~300ms, sort of normal for Australia to America connections.
What I experience in game is around 600ms+ which just goes up the more things I am synced with.
My computer can run Skyrim (not the best benchmark) on the absolute max settings, even forcing more advanced options through my video card drivers at a constant 60FPS.
If I have the in-game AA on SK activated and I play FSC, my framerate drops considerably or there is at least, very visible stuttering.
Keep in mind for the few months I played TERA (Another Action MMO), I played on Max Graphical Settings on American servers and experienced something around 100~200ms of latency in the most intense PvP scenarios with no frame drops or lag whatsover.
I had to use external AA options with my video card though because the in-game AA caused minor memory leaks, which caused some lag after a few hours.
I realise none of the examples I used are Indie Games made in Java.
But my point is that if I can get them to run flawlessly for where my connection is with very little messing about, why does fiddling around with every combination of options with Spiral Knights just make my game even more unplayable than the stock settings? I used to be able to play this game perfectly fine during the beta, with a computer that wasn't even supposed to be able to run the game.
No, I'm referring to "filthy junk Asians/Aussies".
Umm, yeah xD, that's how I call myself when lagging and waiting for a server some day, implying xenophobia won't work I know that, but do Asians/Aussies deserve a server like everyone else? I think we do.
Ya, true but I love and 'enjoy', well most the time, playing this game and I don't wanna give up due to lag.
Yep, as I've stated somewhere above, there was problems with both OOO not giving us a server and my ISP, seriously iinet sucks, crap customer service and gives us crap Internet.
I usually don't lag like that too. xD
xD, Java eats all my memory, on my 5-year-old laptop, I can still handle client lag, well not at all unless I'm running 3 SK at the same time, but server lag is a drag. IMHO OOO should work more on SK's performance and just tell us, whether there's gonna be a server or not.
Asia u say? Maybe it's just ur pc coz I'm in Asia too and I don't lag (well sometimes but not harsh like that)