The other day I was walking around the haven, stalking people and dragging them into my guild, when I saw a message on zone chat saying: "If you have Xbox Live meet me in the garden." Well, being the curious person that I am I went to investigate. I walked into the garden and a knight greets me. He asks "You have Xbox Live?" I say, "Yes" He says, "What games do you have?" and I tell him. He asks "You play Halo Reach?" I answer, "Yes" He then tells me that he'll sell me a Halo Reach DLC pack code. We seeing as that I did not have a DLC pack I gave him the money that he asked for. He then ran out saying, "You just got scammed bro." I chased him and reported him. I told him that I reported him. He instantly turned around and gave me the code (which I'm sure doesn't work) and I dropped the complaint. After a little while I logged off and then when I logged back on I found a message from the devs saying: "please do not trade anything in game that cannot be used in game. A slight refund has been given to you." Sure enough I checked my cr and I got almost all of it back. So... what did I learn today? Never hate on OOO again and never trade with anyone under 3*.
-- The one and only (and easily scammable) Dammasta
Glad to hear you got your cr back, but isn't the lesson really "don't perform trades for out-of-game stuff"? Hardly matters what *-level he was at.
Also, you didn't try the code? I mean, I doubt it works too, but I don't see why you'd drop the complaint if you were so sure the code wouldn't work.