I just recently checked the auction house and a metal sonic suit is up for grabs. Why this is such a big deal is because of the split stance people have over whether older promo items should appear in the AH. As of right now no one has said anything about it (Im guessing because the sonic suit is one of the less beloved promos). I do hope OOO decides to sell more of the promo "backlog" via featured auctions so that more people will get to enjoy some of the amazing costumes and accesories. I know there are alot of people on the opposite stance in this argument so what do you think?
Sonic suit in the AH featured auction
It should be new instead of old energy pack items.
Otherwise it would slap players who payed money for it and would turn away paying players who keep this game alive.
Featured accessories, costumes, reskins; those are good crown sinks.
I know I myself am not happy to see items from old promos on the AH. I take it as a slap to those that actually bought into the promos or those that get these items because we think they will be "rare". Instead all that happens is we buy into the promos and then Three Rings turns around and shoves the rare promo items on Featured AH.
1~2 Sets of rare item really makes you guys that mad? Personally I like it, it gives a chance for people who weren't playing at the time the promos were released to get one.
Then put the original rose sets back on the AH and watch the forums explode again.
If they put 1~2 of each set and bids only I'm ok with it. It isn't like it's enough to make their prices change or stopping them being rare.
This is a shame.
I was hoping I'd have a chance at getting the Metal Sonic outfit but everybody knows only the extremely wealthy win any of the featured items unless it has a Buy Now option.
I don't see much of a problem with it, honestly. If costume sets could be unbound, then yeah, I'd see where the issue lies, something valuable and sought-after being devalued by extras being introduced? Totally. However, when there are so few of them being sold, period, that they are impossible to find because they are all bound? (Added thought, did they ever promise they'd never be reintroduced?)
Really I'm just pumped for another chance to get more costume pieces. I want more of it, honestly. And I am an owner of the Metal Sonic Suit as well as an original Regalia piece. I was sad I couldn't afford to get more. If they were reintroduced as promo items again, even? Or color variants, I guess.
(Maybe my bitterness over being unable to find Cat Tails is showing through...)
I got a Regal Wolver Tail from the featured auctions a while ago. So no, not only the extremely wealthy wins them :P You just gotta go for it!
To be on topic though, it was surprising to see older promo items to come to the featured auctions but in all honesty they only put up like 2 max of each item which really doesn't make any difference to the items worth. It also does give people the chance to get rarer things who previously could never even dream of getting them.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
People thought it was promised, but it wasn't really.
so that said, you may be able to find a cat tail sometime soon. hopefully.
Or keep posting in trade. The cat tail wasn't very popular, so I don't think ppl are actively trying to sell them.
Sypsy - I had a thread up for about a week, actually. Got real sick of bumping it and focused on other outfits. I'll try again sometime soon I guess. Thankya!
I get what people are saying about it being a kick in the rear if they put more beloved costumes on the market. I don't understand this theory though,why should we just let stuff like rose sets die out just because of our pride. Most people are aware that the 1st gen rose sets were almost extinct until OOO put a few more up for grabs as a featured auction. I'm not sure OOO would like for their amazing armors and stuff to die out and not be enjoyed, or just a very small playerbase to enjoy these. thats like creating a videogame then making it very expensive, no one would enjoy all you're hardwork. Of course youd want a fair price for what you made , but I think you need to compromise along the way.
I don't understand why people oppose it the main argument is "people spent alot of money to get it and it would feel like a kick in the nuts if they sold more at a slightly cheaper rate". How in the world can you live like that every time Steam had a summer sale and sold the game you just bought 75% off would you feel cheated. For most people no that just means they get to enjoy the game just like you. think people just need to get over it the auction houses wont cheapen it that much and it will allow more people to have it ( featured auctions for roses go into 2million+ cr for 1 piece of the set).
main point embrace the Idea of more promo items being put into the featured auctions
Steam discounts products which are supposed to be commonly available.
Certain costumes in this game are meant to be a sign of veteranship but offer no gameplay differences.
If they made different colors or modified the model a little that would be fine, but if they took the exact old items and reintroduced them it would be unfair to the older players.
Your comparisons are bad and you should feel bad.
Especially when costumes bind to you, once you wear them that's it. You start seeing less and less of that item until, potentially, none at all, as anybody wearing it has the potential to abandon the game at some point.
No, this isn't ''unfair to older players''. Using that excuse is laughable at best. Older players participated in the previous events/promos that gave these items because they knew they had a shot at them and may not get another for a while. Reintroducing them months later in the auction house is totally fine, because this is also a limited supply, and not only that but a player has to potentially compete with every other player in the game to win that item, so it still retains its rarity.
There's always a chance something will make a return, but how and when they will can't be known. So you can either buy into a promo now, or wait a certain amount of time for a new one but it potentially has different ways of obtaining the item that may or may not be to your liking.
Luguiru I think devilite knocked the nail on the head.
also when did OOO ever say that "Certain costumes in this game are meant to be a sign of veteranship but offer no gameplay differences."(the only veteran costume is groundbreaker armor and helm)
go back and read the Promo I dont remeber it ever saying that the rose of rosalia was ever a sign of veteranship, also if you played earlier you wouldve known that the rose of rosalia was so succesful they had to extend the time it was being sold. You also have to think of it this way the costume suply is eventually going to dry out and there will be only a few left which will be sold at humongous rates to the ultra rich. Is this what the devs made the costumes for?!?! as a bargaining chip to get super rich as a money suply just waiting to be cashed in?
I understand youre stance on this issue but I think you need to look at the future. most "veterans" have quit like Chris. The number eventually is going to get smaller and smaller thats why its important to give to the newer generation of players coming up. This is like a older man keeping his mansion, eventually he is going to die you just have to face the facts he is either going to have to give it to someone or just let it die along with him. This tight lipped stance on the rose costumes needs to go.
With the logic that link showed me.. and some of the people above this post. Lets put some groundbreaker sets on the Auction House. Lets also add some Steam Mask. Along with the original rose sets.
"also when did OOO ever say that "Certain costumes in this game are meant to be a sign of veteranship but offer no gameplay differences." "
They didn't. It's just expected, and they should make it clear that these can come back.
Guess they better fix the wiki then since for every single promo item (Metal Sonic Sets, Rose Sets, Groundbreaker, etc etc etc) it says they can only be obtained by their respective energy promo and when the promo ended. Except Groundbreaker which was for Beta players.
and more that need to be changed if they can be shoved on the featured AH. Oh wait some of the dragon wings were shoved in another energy promo too.
With the logic that link showed me.. and some of the people above this post. Lets put some groundbreaker sets on the Auction House. Lets also add some Steam Mask. Along with the original rose sets.
Comparing items given away to beta players and for inviting friends with one that came along with promo items doesn't even make sense, they are given by "achievements" while with promo items you trade money for it.
About featured auctions: Putting Groundbreakers would be wrong, putting Steam masks would be almost ok (it would be totally ok if it wasn't a rip-off charging for something that you get for free by simply inviting friends into the game), putting any promo item is ok.
Actually, the Steam Mask is labeled as being given away in other events which Three Rings has done once already. Also it isn't just by inviting friends, said friends have to have never played SK before and have to reach Haven for you to get the mask.
Also it appears you quoted my very sarcastic post. None the less there is no difference between the beta event for Groundbreaker and promotional events for Rose Sets, Dragon Wings, etc. The chance for Groundbreaker ended when Beta was over. The chance for Original Rose Sets ended when their promotion was over. Even the wiki states this. Though it seems now these items find their way back into the Featured Auction House or put into new promos (divine/volcanic dragon wings) when their promotion time already "ended". So Groundbreaker is perfectly eligable to be put back into the game if these other items are that "ended" are.
Also it isn't just by inviting friends, said friends have to have never played SK before
Because you would surely invite someone who already plays it, huh.
and have to reach Haven for you to get the mask.
Well, that's the least some one would do if they were truly invited by a friend.
The chance for Groundbreaker ended when Beta was over. The chance for Original Rose Sets ended when their promotion was over. Even the wiki states this.
You should have learned already not to trust 100% on wikis. Also, as Nick stated on some post linked on this thread the chance to get it on THAT PROMO ended, not the chance to get it entirely.
So Groundbreaker is perfectly eligable to be put back into the game if these other items are that "ended" are.
Sure, even the ban stick or GM armors are eligible for featured if some dev wants it to be. But to compare something that was given as a proof/reward that someone played in the beta with something that someone payed money for it is completely bull-.
I quoted of luguriu referring to rose sets. Three rings has NEVER said that rose or any promo item is a symbol of veteranship. The groundbreaker armor on the other hand cannot come back because it was a GIFT to those who attended the beta and preview event. The steam mask has no reason to be put into the auction because it is perfectly obtainable the only people who cant get it are the players who don't use steam ( its called the steam mask for a reason).
also you do realise the wiki is PLAYER created. it is put together by passionate players. This is not OOO's work or exact words. The wiki states that based on logic since promos don't often show twice and there wasn't a way to obtain older promo items until featured auctions were created. The wiki is player made ( cant stress that enough) so it only gets updated when someone is willing to take the time ( hence why alot of the weapon damages aren't filled in)
I said it before and I'll say it again the costumes bind when you wear them so eventually there will be almost none left because the people who had them quit. leaving a very little amount to be used as bargaining chips to get ultra rich. is that what OOO made the costume for???
"Three rings has NEVER said that rose or any promo item is a symbol of veteranship"
Yes, but it is to be expected, so OOO should make it clear that they can come back.
Thats kinda why this forum was made because the sonic suit is in the AH, so therefore they kinda are going in the direction of bringing it back. I'm not sure we can get a solid statement from nick or another dev on this but that is almost soild evedince that it can comeback. You are also forgeting that the rose sets have been on the featured auction so OOO does want to bring them back, its just they dont want to make thier player base mad. It all becomes a numbers game, how many people will quit because of this? how many people will stay or invest in energy to potentially get a rose set. I personally think that the sonic suit was to test the waters over how many people would get p*ssed off by it being put up into the AH. Since not to many people have reacted to this negatively they might put up another promo item, eventually a more beloved promo item.
They don't need to test the waters -- they have been offering rare, promo-only items on the AH for some time now. They are only posted "once in a blue moon," but OOO does offer those rare items there.
Yes, the first time featured auctions appeared for the original color Rose Regalia items, some players were very upset. As always, there were angry forum posts. Some argued that they had been cheated because the Rose Regalia promotion had stated that once the promo was over, those costumes would never be available again. Those few players who had kept their Regalia items unbound so they could sell them at a huge profit were particularly upset.
Nick ended up posting directly on that thread. As I recall, he stated that, while the original promo had said they would never be available after the promo, they felt that enough time had passed that they could offer the occasional, single promo item as a featured auction and still be true to the intent of the original offer.
Not everyone visits the forum. So OOO needs to make a solid statement that promo items can come back for every promo they do, so they don't tick off players. Sure, they're not saying that they can never come back, but everyone expects it be rare.
SS....I will never have you.....D:
i believe this is to lower the CE price or something