Sorry if it's been asked before but I really have no idea if this is a limited thing or if it's some sort of loot. Just wanna make sure I understand how these thing work.
Where do the costumes on the auction house come from?
Cabbage patch. Or is it the stork? I forget. I had two mommies.
Gremlins in slave camps hand-pick the snipe feathers to craft those hats.
Energy Promos. or it they are costumes on the featured Auction House then they came from a GM's command console unless they are one of the ones scripted to randomly appear at a specific time.
So things like the wolvar tails, wings, halos, and auras are scripted to spawn in the auction house?
---Featured Auction House (Three Rings)---
Most of the things in the featured AH run at a pattern and appear at a few specific times. You are right, the wolver tails, wings, halos, auras, purple/pink rose sets, love puppy mask, and trojan mask appear themselves with a script. Also you have probably noticed how divine items show up, prismatic, or volcanic appear in bunches. I am not sure how the exact order is.
Things like Arcane Halos, Shadow Cat Tails, Metal Sonic Sets, Tail's Tails, bombhead, etc were most likely added by a GM. Unsure if Dapper Combos are scripted or added by a GM.. think scripted. Unless they have now changed the script to have more variety so a GM doesn't have to add them themselves anymore.
Also a Three Rings auction typical has a 3 day starting time. Players can not set a time this high. Things like Love Puppy Mask, Trojan Mask, purple/pink rose items do not have a auction time and will remain there until bought out or removed.
----Normal Auction House (players)----
Any of these costumes were added by players. They have to be unbound costumes and you can not unbound a previously equipped costume. These are not on the Featured Auction House, but under the general tab labeled "Costumes". The Featured Auctions costumes from Three Rings will appear under that tab also.
When a mommy costume and a daddy costume love each other very much...