Ghosts in the Machine, Spectator Mode, and playing with Geordie

On the run of the newly updated Ghosts in the Machine, the addition of enemies and effects made the Danger mission, much more fun in my opinion. The new music also adds to the tension and creepiness of the level. However, near the end of the level, on the walkway leading up to the boss, i noticed some scaffolding was clipping into the walkway. This didnt stop my progress, as you can walk right through it, but it ruins the asthetics of the level. I've already alerted Geordie to the problem, because he was online at the time, and he teleported me to the glitch site, and we fought the last boss together (Geordie, you da man!).
Also, for a note on the new PvP Spectator mode, we were able to start a Lockdown match to test it out. I was not in the spectator mode, due to the fact that i was in the Lockdown match. However, from what ive heard, the spectator mode works perfectly, and i like that the spectator can talk to the players after the match. One thing i wonder though, is that, can spectators switch places with players in between matches, or do you have to leave the lobby and join a new one?
As for the new Haven additions, the look fantastic so far. I love that NPCs also walk around and perform tasks around haven as well. It helps make haven feel like a bustling city, instead of just a waiting room for the clockworks. There is a small shadow glitch for the guild hall entrance though. If you stand in certain places, your shadow will appear on the two raised platforms rising up to the doorway of the guild hall. It isnt that much of a problem though, it isn't too noticeable.
All in all, I am really looking forward to the new update, and can't wait for it to get released. Keep up the good work guys!
P.S. Boost is back in the Bazaar! :D

Spectator mode? Cool.
Just make sure, OOO, that it doesn't make more lag, by having more "connections" on a map or something.
I agree, the spectator mode is kind of a neat new feature! Also, the NPCs are adorable, I was following them around for a bit! :D