This is an image of me playing with AA earlier today.,j7aGT,bUD20#0
after being accepted into the tourney (no AA) I decided to train without autoaim.
so first I worked on gran faust only without AA.,j7aGT,bUD20#1
then I moved to my regular setup without AA.,j7aGT,bUD20#2
I'm happily AA free now
I play better with AA off, I discovered. I never bothered adjusting that setting, then when I was yelled at for it in Lockdown (I didn't even consider that haha, whoops), I finally switched over. Nuances and stuff I never considered. I was pretty pumped.
I saw this thread and was upset at why you are bragging to the community... so, I'm going to backfire your thread and I decided to go into a game with a new load out and do this: Took me 3 games
and all I'm trying to say is, AA actually hinders people -.-
Heh, I can get 20K in low UV's if I don't lag.
But alas, I'll never know.
I don't like the people who rage at people who use AA when THEY are the ones using AA. They are competitive or just jealous.
I don't use AA though..
Lol nice. I'm ok in LD, my record is about 10K with Warmaster Rocket Hammer as Recon.
Its your choice. AA is something that allowed to all users, so saying "STAHP UZIN AA" doens't make sense.
Does that make you a better person?