I have done like 10 basil and haven't seen a single twisted targe recipe or blackhawk recipe. Is there a certain chance to get these recipes or do I just have bad luck? I don't plan to buy from AH because those prices are double the normal.
Twisted Targe, Blackhawk
Sun, 09/09/2012 - 13:10
There is probably a certain chance to get those recipes, but we don't know what it is. (I haven't seen any systematic study of Basil recipe rates. Presumably, the recipes are uniformly distributed. If so, you could compute the probability based on how many recipes there are and how many Basil shows on a single visit.) So you might be having bad luck, but you might just be having regular luck. I've had luck like yours, yes.
The Auction House prices are high, exactly because the recipes are not easy to find. You are very much living the Spiral Knights economy right now.