If you keep mail with an item in it in your inbox for 30 days, it does get deleted and isn't moved to your inventory. I've heard a few people ask about this before. Decided to test it.
So long lame crystal bomb compensation.
If you keep mail with an item in it in your inbox for 30 days, it does get deleted and isn't moved to your inventory. I've heard a few people ask about this before. Decided to test it.
So long lame crystal bomb compensation.
Oh shoot! I actually completely forgot about my 1 Variant ticket. Man, this sucks...
My experience matches Paweu's. I accidentally sent some crowns to an account that was not mine. The mail apparently went unread for 30 days. After 30 days, the crowns were returned to me.
There was a thread about this just recently, so this is not really an unanswered question, but that's okay.
Did the crowns get sent back to you in a mail? If they did, what would happen if you didn't accept them :P
Oh, stuff gets sent back?
As I said, hadn't logged on for over a month when I posted this. I did check the fourms once or twice, never noticed the mailback-thingamawhat.
It doesn't get deleted, it gets back to whoever sent the mail.