... What would they be? I know there's a thread already on this somewhere, but just curious after the new weapons + gear (they're not new anymore, but you know what I mean) were introduced. And the items were functional so you could use them as well.
If you could have TWO items from Spiral Knights irl...

1. a Barbarous Thorn Blade (to poke those who do not like to be poked!) or Divine Avenger
2. Divine Set or Rose Regelia Set (to look awesome!)
If I don't get any of those, I want 2 baby pet snipes, make them breed sometime in the future and make more...

striker boost, recon cloak. SO BADASS INVISIBLE.
The recon cloak is to take the money, the striker boost is for zooming away from the crime scene.

1. Rocket Hammer
2. Shivermist Buster (the applications are endless!)

I would have a spark of life (to revive myself if I suddenly die :c) and my decorated dragon scale helm (to look legit as I ride motorcycle :D)

thats such a silly question
antigua- to look like an actual badass
WINmillion- because there arent enough swords that you can buy nowadays that shoot lazors everywhere when you swing them

Mercurial Demo Helm
Mercurial Demo Suit
And I'd go around saying "Must kill Sarah Connor..."~

maybe a 5* pulsar or a guardian shield...

It would be Combuster and Voltedge. My two elements about myself.

Mist tank, obviously. I could sell the source of self-generating energy and make billions!
For my second item, I'd get a recon cloak and do totally legal things with it.

@weedalot.. nightshade exists. its a poisonous plant also known as belladonna.

Skolver coat and cap, because global warming have made this world really~really hot and I really~really hate sweating:P

Red Chap, to pimp it out red mage style.
And then some Divine Valkyrie wings.

1: Dat Force Dynamo. Reverse-engineer it and I'm swimming in cash!
2: Shivermist. As said before, the applications are endless!

1. A dread venom striker, to poke things with.
2. Polaris. It has an infinite supply of electrical exploding bullets. What.

mad demo helm and shiv i guess?
Mad dmeo helm, since it a bike helm with a mohawk...
shiv so i can make pocicles instantly :D

1. a stagger storm, so people around me will level with the amount of swag that this body encloses.
2.summer crest, for the looks.

A Skolver coat and a pink rose chapeau. <3
That's what I love. <3

Sward seeds and Shadow Flames, for making world more exciting >:D

I want DAT Rocket Hammer, so i can go stand next to someone with a normal hammer and say "Mine's bigger" :3

Iron Slug to make ya folks cripple.
And Recon Cloak to vanish like Harry Potter xD

Force dynamo for sure, i bet i can retrofit the power system in my house and car to use that instead of what I get from oil & utility companies.
Ash of Agni, for the next time my car gets stuck in the snow. I'll be laughing maniacally as it all melts around me.

-recon cloak- not iykwim, it has ****ing many different uses and it is ****ing cool
-gunslinger hat*- it outclasses many costumes in sk. well i simply have not enough money but it is still cool :3
*: can be switched with sentenza.

I could choose a loadout, but picking two items would be hard... perhaps my arcane set with blue prismatic dragon wings? I mean, a gun from the game would be cool, but cons' don't even let you bring in fake guns sometimes, let alone real ones...
I'm surprised nobody said the banstick yet...Smite thee with crowbar furyyyyyy!!
Who wouldn't want a crowbar that deals almost 10k damage?
So, probably that, and...
A love puppy! Endless health for all!

leviathan blade for traffic and a valiance because, well weve seen what the "nonleathal" charge can do in lockdown and mine has ctr high... i could send all the things flying plus imagine how awesome the valiance would look irl

Recon cloak: because invisibility. What else needs to be said?
While I'd definitely like to go on an invisible stabbing-spree with a IRL DVS, I'd instead prefer an IRL Snarbolax Coat because I am currently cold as balls, and need the freeze resist.
Plus, it is a very nice coat. I'd wear it to job interviews, weddings, funerals, sleep, arson, church, school, more arson, birthday parties, punching-parties, fancy dinner parties, raves, misc. crimes, drug deals, MOAR misc. crimes, mugshots, prison, rehab, court, parole hearings, art museums, book clubs, hostage situations, blood donations, parliamentary debates, riots, science faires and the occasional trip to the library or local animal shelter.
And then I'd have to wash it eventually. Possibly dry cleaning.
Then: tacos.
Rinse, repeat.

My Venom Veiler, it was my first 5* weapon and is my favourite bomb~
And my 77,000 Light shards just cause.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

The Deeeeemmmooo suuuuuit
THE Deeeemo SUUUUUIT!!!!

Jim-Dale pocket monster
and all of cradle
Guardian shield for it's healing abilities (no more sickness, yay! XD)
Strike booster to get to work fast without a car. Problem, gas companies?