Hello!I would like to ask something..I play from christamas this game and i never saw a lockdown tournament or blastnetwork sponsored from the Gamemasters!Did they make before?If not why is so hard to make one?They did some events in the forums but in the game i didnt see anything..
I saw in forum many guilds sponsor tournaments(and my thanks to these people)but i never saw a pvp tournament..Thanks for your time..
Lockdown tournaments question

It would requrie lots of planning to host a true tournament thats fair for everyone. Problems include timezones, location, server, tier, etc. And everyone will want to play if it's official (by everyone I mean EVERYONE, not just one team per guild, soem may split up because of this)
And once it starts, we'll have compalinings about teams using cheap tactics, blamming lag, spamming ce revives, having AA, godly UVs, etc.
More trouble than it's worth (and if OOO focus on it, it'll delay other updates). Better stick with small events.

@Little-Juances I understand that its needs a lot of planning but isnt their job to make us happier in this game?
The problem with the timezones: He ll set in Gmt if u cant be online this time because its midnight then don t play..i wouldnt accuse them for that..
I dont understand why complain to OOO about the uvs and the revs and trinkets..This is part of the game(i dont have godly uvs)and that is the fault of player..And if they like they can put restrictions for example no ce revs...
I think it worth the try..I dont say that we must have pvp event every month but at least make one and see how it ll go..
If the players put efforts to make a tournament then the gamemasters should put more in this..I know they have many things to do but i would like to see try something about this..Problems always exist but with will you overcome them..
Oh Darkcub, feller, Contri ... sometimes do, I think I saw 1 from Jempire(pvp tournaments). But If you make a PVP tournament not everyone could win without being good in PvP, but in the events yes