hey well currently im using a vile striker about to make it into a dread venom but i dont know if this weapon will do any good on tier 3 floors compared to gran faust or a divine avenger. does gran faust really do that little damage to undead/feinds? is DA better than faust? or should i just go with dread venom all da way? anyhow i would like to know some good armour builds to go with gran faust or divine (NOT INCLUDING VOG) or atleast the HELM i cant stand the VOG HELM lol idk why ....maybe its just too common lol help please.. any gun suggestions would be good too thx
build help!

For the most part, you want to keep distance between you and the enemies in T3. Two hitter swords are great at doing this since they do nice damage and have a large arc/knockback. There aren't many situations in T3 where using a Dread Venom would be a good choice over another kind of sword, unless you're focusing down a Mender or something.
Stick with your Vile Striker for jelly runs, you should use a sword with a nice charge attack or "safe" basic combo for T3.
A question like "is red better than blue" is always, and will always be situational. As of now, Divine Avenger is the best weapon for the current endgame [Firestorm Citadel has several enemies that are weak to elemental damage, such as Red Rovers and Slag Walkers.]. So if you're planning on doing several Citadel runs, the DA would be the right choice. The Gran Faust does as "little" damage to undead and fiends as the Divine Avenger does to Gremlins and Beasts, which goes back to my situational comment.
A common misconception about the Gran Faust that deters people from using it as that they think the basic attack has a chance to Curse you, and since Curse is [arguably] one of the best status effects, people stay as far away as they can from it.
Truth is, it only has a chance to curse the user on the charge attack, I'd like OOO to edit the description a bit to include that. As such, the Gran Faust isn't exactly a charge attack weapon. "But Tsuki, you just said you should have a weapon with a good charge attack for T3! Why would anyone even use the Gran Faust if you can't use the charge attack well?" because Curse is just that good of a status effect. If Strong Curse is ever cast on an Alpha Wolver, it will kill itself in three bites. The damage on that status effect is incredibly worth it, the only way to keep people from spamming the charge attack would be to add the risk of cursing yourself while doing it [or removing the curse proc entirely, but I think the whole Curse aspect of the Gran Faust makes it what it is].
Stick to jelly runs if you plan to use a Vile Striker/Dread Venom. Divine Avenger is the best endgame sword if you plan to do Citadel, which you should. This is only for now, once we get a new Gremlin boss [King Tinkinzar perhaps], I'm sure the Gran Faust will make a major comeback.
Any other questions?

ahh thx but then theres stil lthe problem of what gear to wear.. i really dont like vog cub or the ice 1 i can do body and i have decided i will but any other helm? as oi know DA is quite slow and faust could use sum help in speed too so idk what a good helm would be..

ahh thx but then theres stil lthe problem of what gear to wear.. i really dont like vog cub or the ice 1 i can do body and i have decided i will but any other helm? as oi know DA is quite slow and faust could use sum help in speed too so idk what a good helm would be.
I hate to say this, but honestly, once again, Vog Cub really can crank up your attack speed without forgoing your shield. If you feel confident enough, you could just wear the Swiftstrike Bucker, but mind you, you won't be able to block much with it at all in higher levels.
Honestly, it sounds like you're just not feeling the aesthetic and trust me, you're not alone! I have a full Vog Cub set, but I never really like the look. That's where the costume system can really help you out. You can make any armor that you like the look of and then wear that on top of the Vog. It sounds like (and is) quite a bit of work, especially if you want to use higher tiered armor as a costume, but it's worth it. I wear a completely customized set on top of my Vog and it's a thrill to look like a boss while still hitting with the force of a truck!

Is it the aesthetics of the Vog Cub Cap, or that you can't fathom knowingly wearing it?
You could always wear a costume helm over it.
Ed.: Kind of 'ninja'd'.

i cant wear a costume over vog while in dungeons or going runs and stuff ,...or can i? i doubt it tho ive never seen ppl wearing sumtin cool in dungeons as in just costumes
You can! I can confirm this myself. Costumes can be seen everywhere you go! There's quite a large handful of people who do this, though you typically don't think they are, simply because their costumes have good stats. I've been wearing the Skelly line on top of my Vog all this time and nobody's really wondered about whether it is a costume until they see me actually not dying when I've been set ablaze!

hahah then 1st 2 problems solved! thx ppl but may i just ask if theres any good gun to go with faust/aveneger?

It depends on which sword you go with, you could say.
It's good to get one that complements rather than matches, but it should usually be viable regardless.
Elemental-damaging guns, sans Firotech/Prisma lines, are well and useful for the current "endgame" [Firestorm Citadel.]
I guess the rapid 6-shooting of the Antigua series complements the slower, 2 swings of the Sealed Sword series.

well ok i think that does just abt it so far im savin up for verything going vog cub BUT WITH COSTUME and keeping vile striker for jellyruns when i have the money ill make my final decision on which to take but since the threads here why not ask what uv's would complement the 2 swords? likely speed bonus ofc but i could use some suggestions here too =P
I was in the exact same situation as the op.
I love the Dread Venom striker, but unfortunately it really is the pits in Firestorm, because those damn zombies attack too frequently and with too much power for you to effectively block them.
The strength of the avenger comes from the fact that its first strike knocks them back far enough that they can't hit you with their basic attack, meaning that as long as you hit them first, you'll be safe. You never need to block.
For handgun, I strongly recommend the Cryo Driver. It does excellent damage against the zombies, is great for crowd control in that it spaces out the crowd, and it will put out flaming oilers. That last one is huge.
My armor is volcanic salamander. It doesn't have the attack speed, but honestly that hasn't been a problem at all, even with fausts and avengers. You definitely need something with a fire resist, though.
Since that leaves you with two elemental weapons, I'd go ahead and splurge on an extra weapon slot and bring something else down with you, either that DV striker or a Faust. Or whatever.

thx giuys but ide like to know what uv's would be good for gran faust/DA too =P

Attack Speed Increases. Medium would be optimal, since each will have ASI: Very High using Vog Cub. You'll hit Maximum! with both of them. Low is fine too. Anything above Medium just exceeds the Maximum! cap on total ASI and will be pointless.
Charge Time Reduction on Avenger series will be well too, since Divine Avenger has a very useful and strong charge attack.
I agree with Lymojo! He has good advice, except I don't agree with the last part. Left with two elemental weapons, then bring a DV or GF (those are both also elemental weapons). I recommend a Leviathan or a Khorovod in place of either of the half-elem/half-norm dmg ones (you need to have both to cancel out the enemies they don't work on).

Dread Venom Striker does Normal damage, and Gran Faust does Normal/Shadow damage. Neither are Elemental weapons.

so that means i should bring DV is imma use DA coz dv's a normal weap so i can cancell out all enemys and a levithian or khorovod along with gran faust. did i get that right?

I'm not sure what the point trying to be made was now, but regardless - bring whatever other weapon you want to bring. It's just good to bring another weapon that complements, rather than copies the damage type.
You don't have to bring a Dread Venom Striker whenever you take a Divine Avenger, nor do you have to take a Leviathan Blade or Khorovod when you bring a Gran Faust.
None are "set" to go with particular choices; DVS, Leviathan, and Khorovod all deal Normal damage anyway.

ok so theres no diff uch between 3 so i think i get ur point espeonage well im good =)

what if the uv bonus is on my armour..im currently on vog helm whic has uv shock defense med and owlite with elemntal damage low what if i got vog body with ASI med on it...will that do instead of having my GA/DA having it? coz i got a pretty good offer on vog cub with uv =P if not then i might just get normal vog or sumtin with some shadow defense and find a UV weap well hope for response soon =P

Attack Speed Increases on your armor affect your weapons. In fact, if you get that Vog Cub Coat with an ASI: Medium UV, that's pretty good, since you'll have a Maximum! Attack Speed Increase for your Swords.

ah ok so all i have to do now is find wolver/dusker/ashtail coat with uv asi increase med ...so am good thx for all ur help ppl =)