creepy, wasn't it?
i think it was pretty epic.
my favorite part was the boss.
creepy, wasn't it?
i think it was pretty epic.
my favorite part was the boss.
So many shock bombies in the left battle arena room thingy ... WHY? The boss was fun too
So many shock bombies in the left battle arena room thingy ... WHY?
They only spawn if you go near the top corners. Avoid that area and you won't have to deal with em.
Yeah, that left-hand room was where my whole party got wiped out a few times. I think this mission might supplant Compound 42 as my pick for the hardest. :D
Two things:
1) The part I hated the most were the freaking tentacles at the boss. They're like freakin eels or something trying to strangle you. Easy to dodge though in no lag. But still..... ew.
2) The crown payout was pretty low. I got about 2.7k cr during my run? Usually I get about 3k cr or more during danger missions. At least for HoI. But idk.
Otherwise, I liked the mission. I thought seeing dead remains of people watching TV at the end of the second floor (before the treasure floor) was sexy. (Wait no. sorry. Wrong word. I meant tech-y.)
I guess the name of the mission is an homage to Steven Pinker? EEe, I didn't know conservatives..well, I won't assume.
My bad, twas from a book to refer to a philosophy of Descartes of course.
I still don't know how they made it lag so much, but lag aside it was a pretty awesome mission (especially the lasers and tentacles of the last boss, it was such an epic fight :') ).
we got 2.7k that one time, but the next day i got 3.5k cr, so the farm varies for some reason.
I liked the part where we killed the boss, but then the orbs killed 3 of us at the same time, resulting in a fully dead team.
what do u guys think of the dead bodies? any leads on who sent the call?
This danger mission is insanely fun for me! The only things I have to say against it is the longneverendinglet'swaitsomemore boss and that on EU servers my knight's delay always has me thinking I dodged something, when in fact I'm a dead Spook.
I also love putting a vial on some guy's neck in the end. Makes me think nothing bad ever happened.
Right? Nothing bad happened, right?
I think D25 right room was the hardest, such a small space, constant shock. The right one is easy as long as nobody goes up and lets bombies spawn, there're plenty of spaces down there. (That's why I'd rather solo)
I was sufficiently reminded of Super Metroid.
Mostly it was the music. But hey was fun, I did not beat it though.
I haven't played it through yet. I'll post that here when I do.
I got lag. like serious lag. not the lag after a while, dissapear.
I NEVER GOT TO SEE THE BOSS D: post screenie anybody?
left room is OP.
i got confused with the barriers. there like invisible!
bombies are now the most hated on my book.
Music was the BEST. so cool. felt like sleeping
Map design were well thought out minus thoses barriers >.<
i rate it 3 outta 5. w/o lag maybe 5/5
payouts sucks. IN ALL DANGER MISSIONS.
its playable it is possible to solo (ofc) etc etc
payout is LOW
payout! gimme crowns!
Way better than that awful Compound 42 mission, in terms of difficulty, payout and drops. Also the boss is legitimately difficult and doesn't rely on cheap, shield flinching oil to beat you down.
Soloed entire level with Snarby set and Voltedge. Boss is too easy and have too low health. Only Mecha Knights and sometimes bombies makes mission harder. Also, disappointing cr payout T_T
who here died to the medical supplies on their first time
be honest
Tested it. As I thought, it is made with unfairness in mind.
Level 1 is just a decon with no gremlins but with zombies. We don't have yet enough zombies in the game.
Final part from level 1 and all of level 2 is what I was talking about: small spaces, shock riddled around everything. Get shocked once if alone, die in a chained combo. This is called fake difficulty.
The boss, while having "original" attacks (guided lasers, spikes which then smash) had this problem too due to the constant respawning enemies that you may need to move away (retrodes, mechaknights) and getting enclosed between lasers, then smashed by tentacles. You don't have space, and you drown away.
Still, completed it.
At least though the tentacles don't shock and are normal damage, so if in a team, with platemail type armors you could reduce most damage likely. In fact I recommend normal damage armor due to the issue of "get hit once, die in a chain combo", it will minimize most likely tentacle damage to almost nothing. Testing though may be required.
So, all in all, to me it looks that OOO moved to "missions that require skill" to "missions that will chain combo you to death" with Danger Missions. Legion of Almire, the 1st one, is the only one that is to me a fair challenge - not so much constrained space, high amount of enemies and interesting unique mobs, got to love the spearmen.
- C42 has small spaces plus constrain due to oil+fire, which when you get lit enjoy the ride.
- Heart of Ice has middle spaces, though getting chained due to "freeze you! now again!" with fast hitting mobs...
- This one has, again, small spaces with mobs that chain-shock you.
Please OOO, I suggest that, if you make a 5th mission, you base it on "knockback". As in, lack of and lots of, maybe "gravity" would fit too. Something like getting bounced so you can move faster, enemies too, you got to predict then, and then mobs don't get knocked back at all so you got to time your shielding, kite or circle strafe, etc. Also, you should include danger mission zones in Arcade, I bet people would love that, and the Arcade itself too.
yea i had lag problems too, and even i have a great computer.
@Spooksalot: that vial thing was funny to do.
But seriously, i was total spooked when i saw that bodies.
i stayed there for a while, thinking how and when...
Did actually somebody realize that there are Spiral Knights before the Skylark could even crash into Cradle? They were there years before there could be actually somebody.
My favorite part was when everyone died. :D