Today's release notes can be found here:
September 13 Update - Discussion

Another patch after a day is almost always a bugfix update ;)

"- Fixed an issue with trade windows not closing properly."
*throws hat in the air*

But could we please just have a release that's been tested properly without bugs?

The update downloads like hotcakes.
Can't wait to see a hacked aura.

The update downloads like hotcakes.
Can't wait to see a hacked aura.

Spectator Mode Menu Tier Description False
t3 is t2, t2 is t1 and t1 is t0

While that would be nice, it'd be near impossible to do. Developers can think of and test for a lot of bugs, but bugs can occur where they least expect it. They could push to the test server, but no one really uses that as far as I can tell. Tested properly does not mean without bugs.

"-Spectate mode game list has been fixed to allow scrolling."

While I agree with you in principle - bugs do sneak in (thus why they are bugs), the majority of things in this "bug fix" list are not actually bugs.
These are things that weren't thought out or play tested properly before being released live:
- Emotes from spectators will not be visible to players.
- Spectators can no longer trade with players.
- Fixed the display name of the Hacked Aura (this was carry over from test server, typical for any new item introduced)
- Blocked Static Souls from the exit elevator area in Ghosts in the Machine (play testing should have got this - do the Dev's actually play the beta content?)
More of an enhancement then a bug or something that can go into the list above:
- Spectate mode game list has been fixed to allow scrolling (I didn't see it pre-fix, but it sounds more like - oops - we forgot to add a scroll bar because we didn't factor in how many matches would be available to watch).
This is likely the only "bug" and it's one we've seen previously when new items are introduced to the game.
- Fixed an issue with trade windows not closing properly.
My objection isn't so much about introducing bugs as not doing enough quality control on the product pre-release.
The whole point of testing is to anticipate what your customers may do and code around it before it goes live and to knock off the small errors, like a misnamed aura.
I can't recall of one single release that isn't followed by a "bug" patch within 24h.
No it's not the end of the world - but when it's something you can bank on - it becomes somewhat annoying.
I've realized that there is a construction team of groundbreaker knights to the right of the alchemy machine in the Auction House Haven. is it just a small extra detail to fill up that empty space or is there gonna be a new section of the haven that's coming out? it would be really cool if the admins. makes an entirely new section to the haven. just sayin', awesome games should get awesome updates...

I liked the emotes being visible to other players, means you get to cheer them on!
It'd also be neat to watch the recons... maybe disable the ability to /tell or /g while in spectator mode.
things are pretty awesome how they are though.
Played the new danger mission for the first time yesterday, very deep and very cool. On a side note... WHY CANT ALL DECONSTRUCTION ZONES BE LIKE THAT!?!?
Right now regular decon zones have the worst payout and what seems like the fewest amount of monsters for how big they are. Should be more like gauntlet style swarm system!
For a second there, i was really excited then i saw what it was about.
troll: successful