Spikes (rage post)

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Legacy Username

Please, for the love of all that is annoying, do not scale the damage that floor spikes do. At least not so dramatically. It's just not fun. Bad guys scaling their damage is interesting; floor spikes not so much. Ugh.

Legacy Username
Agreed! Sharper spikes == not


Sharper spikes == not fun.

Have to upgrade my piercing resistance == can't defend against normal as well as I should.

Legacy Username
I am more worried about those

I am more worried about those poison spikey trees/bushes. That elemental (?) damage rips through my shield in no time.. I haven't yet played after the latest patch though so I'm not sure how that changed, but I sure hope they didn't get any worse lol.

Legacy Username
spikes don't level up!

nor bushes!...but bushes do can get more effective posons over time.........

My only problem isn't that spike damage scales, but that are some spiked floors that require an exact timing to pass, making into 2 possibilities: 1: you time for when the spikes go down, and try to pass, only to be fooled by the ping and your lag (major issues, everyone have enough lag for this), and finish above the last bit of spikes; or 2: time well, considering your ing and lag (WTF), and pass above the spikes as soon as it begins to get down, sometimes earlier too, so you can make it to the other side (i actually do this a lot, 50% hit chance for me, and it seens that i do the first step above the spikes, then it begins to fall and i don't receive the damage, even that i walked in spikes).

Legacy Username

Who steps on spikes or bushes?

Legacy Username
I do on bushes when fancy

I do on bushes when fancy stuff dropped in the middle of them :/ I've checked it now, and at depth 22 my lvl 10 Rock Jelly Shield breaks after 4 "ticks". That is brutal, very very brutal.


Not spikes, but I can't SEE bushes. So I'm stuffed.

The sparkling effect on them occasionally shows, allowing me to dodge it.

Due to Dell and Intel's collaboration on dooming my laptop's graphics I regularly 'glitch out' as a friend calls it. Basically the Display drivers [Installed by Dell for an XP system while I have a Vista system] stop, and reboot. allowing me to run, or stop, in thorns and the like and die. Luuurvely.

So Pupu, I get hit by bushes.

Pauling's picture
Many sword combo attacks

Many sword combo attacks carry you forward during the second or third swing, which is cause for much inadvertent bumbling into bushes (which you then have to limp back out of). Spikes were discussed in another rage thread recently as well...

Dogrock's picture
>Due to Dell and Intel's

>Due to Dell and Intel's collaboration on dooming my laptop's graphics I regularly 'glitch out' as a friend calls it. Basically the Display drivers [Installed by Dell for an XP system while I have a Vista system] stop, and reboot. allowing me to run, or stop, in thorns and the like and die. Luuurvely.

Intel GMA? Collect the recent drivers from Intel and then fully uninstall the graphics from device manager. Restart and then install the Intel package. Voila! No more relying on Dell for your updates! Worked on my Latitude from 3 years ago. If you don't get rid of the Dell branded software first it block the new install. *shakes head sadly*

Legacy Username
for me..is...

i mostly of the time fall on spikes/bushes for these motives:

-The enemy seen to be drawn to them when they get knocked back by my attacks, and, in the chase, i don't see/notice the traps;
-I'm too concerned in run from a hell of missiles/fire/bombs/chairs to get my attetention to the features that don't produce that much graphical lag;
-I see something sweet to get at the bushes;
-I get the timing wrong to compensate the ping and graphical lag, and finish getting 1 hit right when the spikes are about to go down;
-I miss the time count for the spikes to come back, while i'm trying to pass/get an item;
-an enemy attack knocks me at them;
-I'm too concerned in evade puppy mk2 shots, and finish up being fooled by lag, pressing too much the walk button, or even getting smally knocked by the shot;
-I ressed the left click outside the game windo, what made me go out of the game window, right when i was passing through spike floors, or when monsters with high knockback are attacking (most of the times i die because of the monsters, though).

...hmm, i think that is all

Pauling's picture
The Lag Penalty

Chronus really nailed the deeper problem that's been bugging me about spikes: they can be easily avoided by any player exercising reasonable basic caution. What we have here is an enemy that is ONLY a serious threat when the game is not working correctly (as in the case of lag).

Furthermore, this threat cannot be fought, turned off, or effectively negated by the player, and it becomes an ever-steeper penalty as the player gets closer to the core.

Legacy Username
> Who steps on spikes or

> Who steps on spikes or bushes?
Anyone who wants to leave Spiral Court 2 :-)

There's another level with a mean timing puzzle with a timed gate switch and spikes, made harder by the camera angle.

Spiral Court 2's puzzle is solvable, on a mac, that barely meets the game's standard. Not easy, and not pain free, but solvable. (Not in the obvious way -- took me several attempts to figure out how to solve it given the low response time.)

Drivers on Dell systems: Yea, my Ge-Force 2.5 that pretends to be Ge-Force 4 graphic card, with a driver from the manufacturer, plays perfectly. Neither the official dell driver, nor the official microsoft driver does.

Does ATI make a replacement driver for the Mac? Probably not.

Does it make sense to have a long strip of spikes that can only be crossed without damage with perfect timing? No. Who built that thing, and why?

Legacy Username
Grumble grumble. So, for old

Grumble grumble.

So, for old time sake, I ran firefly.

Guess what was the only thing to give me trouble? Yep, spike strips.

The only reason I have any "piercing" defense is spike strips.
They are really bad when there's lag. And that's only when there's monsters. Gee. ...

PLEASE, I'm at the point of saying this: Remove spike strips. Or make them work on monsters. Or at least get rid of the gun puppy / spike combos. Or at least give them some sense of reason for existing -- right now they only exist to make things artificially hard, or so it seems.


Legacy Username
You do know you are

You do know you are complaining about the game based on arguments that originated from your computer not meeting the specs to run the game? I don't see how that is helpful towards making this game enjoyable.

Legacy Username

you have a point evolution...

Legacy Username
a team pad that spawns 3 bomb

a team pad that spawns 3 bomb gremlins would push you into thorns and what nots that would hurt you (and most often the deepest parts of said environmental hazard) so not only dose my shield get damaged from the bomb itself (as the room is small and there are more often then not 9 bombs blowing up within mere seconds of each other) but proceeds to BREAK upon being blasted into bushes, then taking the half life bar damage from walking out only to see that im surrounded by bombs yet again....