I'll buy the CTR VHIGH Troika for 7000CE
ign xcelestialneon
I'm on pretty much all day [all day in Australia xD], and I'll check periodicaly to see if you're online.
For example, I'm online for the next 2 hours, unless theres a blackout/internet failure or something.
Well i'm online now D:
EDIT: Missed you by like 10 minutes again D:
EDIT EDIT: Can you post a time you'll be on, along with the timezone you're in ?
But that's like the middle of the night -.-
Also, this is the earliest I can be on. Prior to this I was sleeping ._.
deal this to me?
i dont have any poison UV =)
tell me price u wish nd lets work it :P
ign: Aglz
I have..eh.....uh....hm.... uh.....errmmm.... Heavy Side Blade/Vented Visor and....some other...accessory available for sale.. idk i'll update this tmorrow when I check, Any offerS? :D also, are you still selling Mewkat pocket? if so, what's highest bid/ B/O
d\_/b DeFeX d\_/b <----- Steam name, i'm teh chipmunk guy thing
How much for the Frosty wings or Vertical vents?