Well, I was paying SR today, when I get to the last floor of a mission that had cost me roughly 90~ energy and took about 20 minutes. But out of nowhere, Spiral Knights crashes! Whoop-do! 90 energy I wasted for NOTHING! Seriously, that's not really fair. I understand you guys want to make money, but seriously? You should have it so energy is used up at the END of mission, or when you return to haven, such as a little counter that adds up energy used until you leave. Because I am rather furious at the fact I lost a lot of energy for absolutely nothing and I had no control over.
Energy Annoyances
Spiral Knights abbreviation. I'm lazy.
I've wasted energy on things before. But, sadly, if energy were to be used at a level's end, it would be abused; there would be people repeatedly running the same level over and over, then quitting before the end.
Energy prices would skyrocket and gaining crowns would become a grind even World of Warcraft couldn't hold a candle to.
I mean to tally up energy that shall be used if you leave and/or finish. If you crash or logout, it should save your spot, insted of waster energy. I don't mean to "oh never use energy until end of the level" I mean use energy when you finish or leave.
It's an idea. But the servers would have to remember your exact position, the exact position of every enemy and object in the level, and the exact state of everything, until you logged in again. Might be a way to store this in a negligible amount of space, but if not, it'd be too much for the servers to handle.
However, if that problem was somehow bypassed, your idea would be beneficial.
Mission? As in one of those in-order mission things?
Sorry for you ¦3
Simpler days were mine when the only things we really lost from disconnections were Boss Tokens and Minerals.
Though, I guess there were a few special cases, like if you were trying to do a Basil run or trying to get your Tier clearances solo.
The Arcade system was more forgiving.
if you log back in right after disconnecting you can continue...
You didnt waste 90 energy. You still got crowns, heats and mats along the run. But no mission costs that much unless you waste revives.
Well, I don't exactly say it's possible to not waste energy when you're doing one of those missions that have flame traps and spikes everywhere and nobody else does it.
Then don't walk on the flame traps or spikes when they're active...?
So that energy wasn't wasted when you crashed, you wasted it before.
Ya know mate, it's all your fault if you wasted that much energy in revving, not OOO's.
If you really need to, get someone to help you out with the missions. Otherwise, don't expect OOO to give you that energy you personally wasted back.
It's unfortunate what happen to you, but this is nothing new for this game or any other online game. You're connection or game goes down and you get screwed, but that is simply how it is.
My only suggestion is just to get a elevator pass for 6 bucks and do anything you want for a month. If there is only thing you want to spend money on for this game the elevator pass is it.
What's SR?