[Auction] Argent Peacemaker UV: Charge Time Reduction HIGH
Starting bid: 6k ce
Minimum increase: 500 ce
Ends 5/3/11 @ 10pm EST
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[Auction] Argent Peacemaker UV: Charge Time Reduction HIGH
Starting bid: 6k ce
Minimum increase: 500 ce
Ends 5/3/11 @ 10pm EST
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Just a quick note, if you want to reduce bump clutter.
If you have the last post in the thread, then you can just edit it to bring the post back up to the front page of the forums. It should make reading for offers easier for you and prospective buyers. =)
No, actually, editing doesn't bump..
I'll offer 3K if you're desperate to offload. IGN is dangerrmouse (yes there are two r's)
Nvm. 6k ce is too much