I know there are many other threads but The search bar is garbage and I don't want to be flamed at for necroing.
From the videos I have seen I think that "The Big Iron" in tier 3 is the hardest boss.
Which boss is the hardest?

Yeah, when you are fighting BI for the first time with people who either did it once, or no times at all before, it's hard.
Fighting Vanaduke for the 20th time is easy.
I don't know about the other DMs, I want heat/CoA/FoV too much to care about them. (one more Vanny run...curse you school for making it take so long...)
Actually from personal experience, the first and only time I did BI, I could tell that if I was on my computer that has a decent framerate, and I actually knew what to expect, he wouldn't be too bad. Don't base it off test server videos.
What about SL bosses? I'm too conservative and not-caring-about-fancy-armor-sets to do one, so I'm not sure about those.

Fighting The t3 tentacle big dome thing (I have no idea wat it's called) at the end of ghosts in the machine with 2ppl who have never played it be4

The strongest is BASIL check the video at YouTube he traps knights with his power ask milkman for more information he is one of the victim