Title. Post your opinions here.
According to me, the ugliest place is... *tadadadada* *da* Candlestick Keep.
Why? Lotsa carpets, some on pretty much unfitting places. What I like are the round torchy things.
Im talking about texture and design, not about difficulty or monsters.
What's the ugliest place in SK?
Everything else lets you look over the abyss, but in fire-themed levels you just get what looks like a pile of slag below you.
It's especially annoying in FSC, which IMO should use the Scarlet Fortress skybox.
Its just a big square with gremlins thrown in.
The Arcade. There's nothing uglier than a ghost town
I hate it when I go there. It's creepy. O_O
The ugliest place is Haven, with all you horrible looking knights standing around contrasting the natural colors of the town.
I wouldn't say there's any place that is downright ugly... Heck, each place has its charm and fits with what kind of feeling it's going for, so even then, I'd still say the poorer looking places do a good job.
i cry everytime i see its desolated place. :'(
The ugliest place in SK? Hmm, how about any Haven where someone who is completely stupid when it comes to usage of accessories, like a Divine Halo on Snarbolax Cap, or Shadow Dragon Wings on a Skolver Coat.
My inbox when I have no money in it.
Ugliest Place?
The Entrance to the Core.
Bloody Laggy Lagginess of all Lagginesses!
Poison (nasty) clockwork tunnel (boring) sickly green (just plain ugly).
Can't believe that nobody mentioned this yet.
wherever it is.
that place looks like... dump.