If I get the shogun total war from steam for $5 will I also get the shogun helm?
And will there be a sale on it like the one on the Rome one for 90%? I know there's already a sale on it for 25%.
Total war question
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 19:05

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 19:20

Isn't shogun 2 like 15$?
Isn't shogun 2 like 15$? Shogun 1 is like 5$ which one gives you the hat?
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 19:26

Shogun 2 is $30 full price
Shogun 2 is $30 full price and I'm pretty sure that it's the one with the hat. The one you're thinking of is the $8 Total War Battles, which is a port of an iOS game.
All Total War games are on sale for at least 25% off for a little while, but each day a new game is spotlighted as the Daily Deal and gets a much deeper discount. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that tomorrow or sometime soon, Shogun 2 would be 90% off as well for 24 hours. And yes, you'd get the hat when you buy Shogun 2 at any time this week.