So I'm kinda new and ever since I've came back, I kept crafting/buying different gears and weapons just to try them out.
Right now, im using a Fireburst brandish (which will be my main weapon) and the needle shot (going to be the blitz needle thingy). I might also use either Dark matter bomb or get a sealed sword for the gran faust? (the shadow sword one). So that way, i have 1 of each element.
But the thing right now is, because i have one of each category; sword/bomb/handgun, should i bother with the wolver/dusker armors or just get the defender and cobalt armor till I'm 5*, seeming as we get the recipe for it. Also is it bad habit that im using quite amount of money just to experiment different or all types weapons? So far, ive tried tempered calibur, troika, cutter, crystal bomb and other random stuff..
I'd avoid dark matter bomb, as it sucks, especially if you're going in without max bomb damage. If you want a shadow bomb, go with Graviton; that way you have (some) shadow damage and utility, without needing bomb damage. But either way, it wouldn't hurt to pick up a shadow sword/gun; there's a few of them to choose from depending on style.
Armour is tricky, but Cobalt is not the way to go. You'll ultimately dump it and never touch it again as a practical starting set, so it's better to save yourself the time/money now and leave that till later when you know teh game better. For now, any one of the specialist sets will do you better, even as a hybrid class. Go with the wolver lines if you feel you'll be using your sword a lot, but there are plenty more choices to look at, too.
Also, it's not a bad thing you're spending money experimenting. I'd make a point to save some for what you know you will need ce to craft (such as your combuster) but any spare you have can certainly go to just crafting and playing around. The game is designed to be open-ended and free-choice, so you have everything to play with and learn all you want. If you only stick with one thing, you might never find out that you prefer another weapon or set. Once you find a loadout that suits you, you'll know immediately~