As above said, also please discuss.
As above said, also please discuss.
At the end of the day it is their game and they do what they want to it. They can't make everyone happy with each update. With whatever they bring hate will come no matter what. Suggestions aren't always taken. Which is why they are called suggestions.
Its not that they refuse to take suggestions (thats why the board is there to begin with), but with all ideas come with heavy-duty planning that go along with it, and can easily be scrapped or put on the backburners if one side of the idea is deemed irrelevant or impractical to the rest of the game. As Nuggetz said; you can't please everyone, but they do their darnedest to try.
Very few are accepted. I don't know any as of now, except the nerfing of FSC payout and RJ getting incredibly weak.
Harry's Soundtrack on I tunes was an early suggestion i believe.
Added suggestions from the top of my head:
More varieties of Gun Puppies
Compound 42 (loosely based off of a suggested level, probably)
Heart of Ice (same as above)
Spectator Mode
Guild Updates
Harry Mack on iTunes
Crown and item totals at the end of levels
Party finder
Guilds in the first place
Monster Pockets (closest thing to pets we're getting)
Heat Amps
Elevator Passes
Eyes and heights
And finally this thread ( )
We are blinded by the good things people do, but when it comes to a single bad update...
Noo don't quit!!
Can I has your monies?
I think OOO has a good steady rate of good updates.
+1 duke for pointing some out
Wasnt the Snarbolax set suggested?
the NPC Sprite moved to the entrace because everyone got stuck with the talk while they attack Zombies?
somewhere in other thread i saw that Auction House was suggested too? (idk if this true).
i dont remember the other list of things they added when people suggested but i remember at least the snarbolax and the NPC in FSC moved where suggestions that people did. but sadly there a lot good suggestions like the Ghostmane Gremlin Set that a guy (sorry i dont remember who did that :c) draw the concept art and we dont have any news of new armors. really those kind of stuff are pretty nice.
Key word: Loosely. My Everfrost Valley suggestion involved an Ice/Fiend level, sure, but it had a Greaver Queen, a blizzard that damaged you unless you were near a warm object you'd carry along with you, skiing Devilites, an entire level full of Overtimers, frozen Tortodrones, and a reward that was basically an exploding snowball.
Not that Heart of Ice is bad, by any means =)
It shocks and appals me that people still whine about being ignored all the time. Seriously, you people must be the most self-centred, spoilt, greedy, whiney, rotten....
Nicoya-Kitty (I believe) made a thread ages and ages ago that listed all the suggestions that had been implemented, considered and rejected. And this was long before OCH/missions came out. Frankly, the amount of things that DO get implemented into the game that went up for discussion is staggering, compared to many, many, many other MMOs that just don't give a damn. Just because you make one or two suggestions that don't get implemented doesn't mean they're ignoring you, it just means that huge updates take more than three days to plan, design, code, model, animate etc.
Hell, guild hall update? There must have been a thread about that twice a week before the announcement that they'd decided to implement it. And here you are, feeling ignored...
Back in beta, a lot of suggested stuff got in. Some got put in way later, for example I had been asking for a group finder since day 1. Not that I need it now that I have a guild and such.
The suggestion forums however quickly became an unreadable mess, full of terrible ideas after release. I think Eury still has to navigate that chaotic sea and compile the suggestions every now and then, but the devs themselves aren't going to be posting "that's good", they get a compilation and evaluate it, probably putting a post in on Nick's computer.
Well its somewhere in the middle..They just take some of our ideas into considaration..If they think that they can actually create a part of our suggestion and benefit the game(profit+gaming experience)they would make it..We may find an idea nice and awesome but in the reality it may be impossible for them to make it..Its not a game where we pay per month..So we cant expect super updates.i would like to see more but we should see the reality and be patient.If you cant you can always play a game with monthly payment who can provide more to the player.
If you cant you can always play a game with monthly payment who can provide more to the player.
And even on sub games they don't take every single suggestion and magically turn it into a reality within the day. You're taking it far too literally, this thread has nothing to do with the feasibility of applying new ideas, it's all just about greedy, impatient people who're sore that their idea got rejected or are just looking for a new reason to whine now that the cr exploit fiasco is over.
If you cant you can always play a game with monthly payment who can provide more to the player.
And even on sub games they don't take every single suggestion and magically turn it into a reality within the day. You're taking it far too literally, this thread has nothing to do with the feasibility of applying new ideas, it's all just about greedy, impatient people who're sore that their idea got rejected or are just looking for a new reason to whine now that the cr exploit fiasco is over.
I've had like 2-5ish of my ideas accepted... or at least, 2-5 of my ideas have came true. The party finder was my suggestion, and certain other things that I've suggested have happened. Keep in mind that I've been here for over a year, and that I have quite a few threads.
For instance-
rejected things must have damn good reasons for being rejected i guess
They should make an admin account named Yesman that goes into threads and just posts *honk* or *bwoararearo* so people feel validated.
People throw tantrums right now as it is when there's no response (which was decided specifically to avoid tantrums, sadly)...just imagine the huffs that will be thrown when they actively get telt "no", or how many heads will 'splode if they hear a "yes" and it isn't ingame within 6 hours?
Most everything i suggested was rejected, though one thing i did suggest was done. in FSC the sprite appearing by a party button was based upon a suggestion due to dying while talking to the sprite. this prevented me for rezzing or finishing the conversation and overall sucked.
Who is 'them'?