Can anyone suggest good starting bombs for lockdown. I'm becoming a bomber so it would be helpful. Any tips for bombing in lockdown too?
Good bombs for lockdown?
A dude in ld last night got a whoopin 598 damage using RSS, do the math and you will realize potatoes are ketchup 3
Listen to Darkbrady
Stagger storm, Voltaic Tempest, and Shivermist Buster/Ash of Agni are pretty good.
They help you WIN
If you want DAMAGE you need Nitronome or one of the Shard Bombs
Bad part is that the opponents usually dodge those........
Just try a lot bombs and you can find your style
- Voltaic Tempest
- Stagger Storm
- Ash of Agni
- Shivermist Buster
Voltaic Tempest is one of the best bombs out there, because shock is effective in interrupting players and making them vulnerable to attack. The downside is that people recognize its power and you may find players who have invested in shock resistance UVs and/or armour to counter it.
Stagger Storm is another disruptive bomb, slowing down both movement and attack speed of its victims. Though there are wealthier players who have invested in stun resistant UVs, they're not as plentiful as shock.
Used to intimidate assailants in that the only way to get to you is by litting themselves on fire and taking constant damage, weakening them for your team-mates to counter attack. Opposes freeze status.
Though many have equipped themselves in Skolver sets, making them immune to this bomb's freeze inducing haze, it still shines as arguably the best status bomb against anyone who did not gear up in warm, freeze resistant armour. Opposes fire status.
- Nitronome
- Dark Briar Barrage
This bomb inflicts decent normal damage and comes with a knockback to clear the field of anything that isn't a guardian. It is good in that it has a relatively short fuse and charges up quickly, making it easy to keep up a constant barrage of explosions that knock away opponents that fail to escape its blast radius. Though normal is a very common defensive stat amongst armour, its damage should still leave an impact, and against the few without normal defensive armour it really hurts.
Does damage similar to that of Nitronome, but comes with pure piercing action, dealing more damage than the Nitronome against players without piercing resistant armour. Short fuse and fast charge makes deployment a breeze, however, the trade-off in choosing this bomb over Nitronome is that it does not come with a knockback. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is up to how you use it.
- Scintillating Sun Shards
- Shocking Salt Bomb
- Graviton Vortex
- Electron Vortex
- Dark Retribution
- Big Angry Bomb
As with the 08/08/2012 update, the Sun Shards received a 5* version, but the mechanics have been changed drastically. As it is right now, it functions better as a disruption bomb, intimidating assailants from attacking your group with a field of stun-inducing piercing shards scattered around your team. Best used around team members.
Shocking Salt Bomb is the 5* version of the old Salt Bomb, and it has kept its shocking attributes. As with the Scintillating Sun Shards, it acts as a disruptive defense-oriented bomb that disrupts assailants by scattering shock-inducing shadow shards around your team-mates. Best used around team members.
The vortex bomb is an excellent disruptive bomb in that the vortex sucks players into it, keeping them in place for you and your team-mates to get an easy hit in on the opponent. After a short amount of time has passed, the bomb will detonate, dealing shadow damage to those who got stuck in it and flinging them away. However, be vary that it isn't fail-proof. The bomb's suction stops to halt briefly before the final blast, making it possible for the victim to escape its blast if positioned favourably while attempting to run away from the bomb, and your movement speed is crippled while charging up the bomb, making you an easy target. Strikers can also use their boost to escape the suction of the vortex.
Its functions are identical to that of the Graviton Vortex in that it sucks in opponents for a short period of time and detonates for damage. The difference being that this bomb inflicts elemental damage instead of Graviton's shadow, and also has a chance of shocking its victims, making it an overall better choice. Other pros and cons are the same as with the Graviton Vortex.
If you have bought the Operation Crimson Hammer expansion mission you will have access to this bomb, which detonates for a small amount of shadow damage and releases four damaging orbs to orbit around the initial explosion, dealing damage and interrupting enemy attacks upon contact. This bomb specializes in making a small area in which the opponent will have a hard time attacking, making it a disruptive bomb used for defending yourself, and your team.
Listed for its incredible knockback ability. It's always fun to fling an enemy across the map should they be foolish enough to stay within its blast radius, and it can also inflict minor stun. However, in spite of its amazing knockback, and higher damage than Nitronome, the charge time is long, the fuse is long, and movement is crippled while charging, making it an extremely hazardous bomb to use in the heat of battle. This bomb can be useful for clearing the field of opponents to give you and your team a breather, but chances are you won't get to use it again as the assailants probably won't be too happy with you after getting hit by this furious bomb -- assuming they didn't run out of its blast radius whilst the fuse was slowly ticking down.
Wow GJ ._. you literally went over EVERY aspect of bombs.
I have been using the VV in conjunction with the VT and it seems to be effective. While you will get very low damage the positive side is that the VV will greatly help your team causing them to deal more damage and take less damage at the same time. When using the VV it is best to be with your group to maximize its potential. One other thing, if you lay a VV and then lay VT the green mist of the VV covers the VT mist making it look as though it is just a poison bomb but the opponents find out differently when they run in just assuming it's merely poison.
Also, although poison does not increase the damage of fire ticks, it does increase the damage of shock spasms. This is a pretty tiny damage difference to be noted, but just that extra bit on people here and there can count for a lot in the end.
Good to know Darkbrady, I was not aware of that.
If you are planning to bomb in Lockdown then you start by deciding your class.
Striker Bombing is an underrated and extraordinarily effective tactic that lets you abuse the mobility of boosting to capture points whilst having the defensive area denial your bombs allow, at the expense of durability (Presuming no CTR Very High UVs). For reference full Volcanic Demo or a Volc/Mad mix with Elite Charge Time Modules let you get CTR Max even with the striker shield penalty in effect, and my suggest weapons for this load-out would be Nitro/Stagger/Tempest/Ash or VV. When it comes to actually playing this set you just want to be focusing on capturing points constantly and using status bombs to deny enemies from taking their points back until your team's offensive presence can back you up. This set will deal literally no damage most of the time, but you easily become a huge focal point of the whole team thanks to capturing points and generally forcing the opposing team to waste a lot of time trying to deal with you denying them various points and pathways.
If you want to go Guardian then things are a bit more complicated and honestly I have the least experience with Guardian Bombing out of all the Lockdown bombing sub-strategies so I want go into too much depth out of ignorance. If you have CTR High+ UVs I'd recommend going either Mercurial Demo or Bombastic depending on whether you value shock resist over some extra damage, where as otherwise you'll want some CTR-based load-out like Volcanic or Mad. Unlike the Striker load-out where you're frail anyway, you don't want to give up bonuses for health here, I definitely suggest using Heart Pendants over modules. Bomb-wise Stagger and Tempest are still good choices, Nitro and the Shard lines are decent damage-dealing disruption bombs to make use of, although honestly this load-out again benefits a lot from a sword of some sort since as a Guardian you'll be drawing a lot of fire and will need to be able to exploit status effects immediately rather than praying you get Nitro off in time.
Recon offers the most freedom in terms of load-out since it gives you max CTR naturally and as such Bombastic/Merc is the way to go with Heart Pendants. Bomb-wise the usual set-ups still apply although Recons in my experience have more leeway to run utility-oriented bombs like vortex since you can pop in and out of confrontations with your cloak. Honestly this style requires the most work since it's so individual, try different bombs out and see what does and doesn't work for you. Other than the more or less obligatory Tempest/Stagger combo (Although you can even drop one if you're confident) you can use any viable bomb with this. If you want more ideas on specific bomb usage, Shidara's basically got that covered for you already.
This should be in Arsenal.
Also there, you'll find a discussion somewhere called "is bombing becoming obsolete offensively" or some such, which discusses very similar things. Bombing in LD and CW are two completely different scenarios. You can still use bombs in LD, but pretty much only the Stagger Storm, AoA and VT (Shiver isn't really an option either, since 50%+ of the players are loaded in Skolver). Vortexes are an option as well, but with their small rad and the mspd redux while charging it's generally not as efficient as a haze.
The dps bombs are just far too easy for players to completely avoid, and with the heartless, cruel theft of our beloved RSS, the new shard bombs basically just suck in pvp.