Wow friend! I have to tell you... You have a huge solds list! The biggest I've ever seen! Thanks for selling me the wings and the aura bro!
Wow friend! I have to tell you... You have a huge solds list! The biggest I've ever seen! Thanks for selling me the wings and the aura bro!
Thanks haha, but I'm just very meticulous about keeping track of everything I sell and I've been here quite a while, but by no means am I super rich :)
Interested in this item for a friend.
Maximum I'm willing to pay is 40kCr.
I posted here instead of in-game because I need the item with some urgency. Don't know if you can come online within the next few hours.
If the Aero fin isn't sold, I'd be interested in it, I've mailed you.
Sold Ele Max/Fire Med Chaos Cowl, 5 Glacial Prize Boxes, Malachite Chapeau, Prismatic Halo, Dazed Seeing Stars Halo & Aura, Cool Mecha Suit, Heavy Gremlin Goggles
Added more Spritely stuff
Wasn't planning on selling those anytime soon, but I can sell ya one for 50k cr.
Added BKC Normal High
Sold Cool Slime Guards
If I could get em for 40k I would buy it, or I could meet you in the middle
Meh I'm gonna have to be firm at 50k, sorry. You could try your luck in the AH, plenty of Horns there.
You still got those Volcanic Maskeraiths? I'd like to buy one
Edit: nm got one
Sold Dusky Slime Crusher
Added Deadly Charcoaler, Tabby Seraphynx
why is it listed in the Electric section?
edit: you have 2 electric sections
Nah that's Ancient; link was correct but characters were wrong. Thanks!
Actually just gonna buy for 50k, Meet me ingame. And Thanks angain :D
Sold Ancient Devious Horns, Military Tendrils
hia darkie :3
ill trade u a furious fork (we can talk) for the nev set
also interested in the sunshine aura and the crowns of summer and winter
and damn. how do u have all those items? >.>
Smart investing and quite a bit of luck :)
I'm about to buy a shit ton off you if you can hook me up with good prices ;)
PS: Still 1 of 2 best salespeople in SK.
Thankee but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint you lol, was planning on saving my Horns (and Spritely stuff in general) cuz prices are terrible right now :/
I have the 75kcr you wanted for it, msg me/mail me in game and here:
IGN: Quicksilver_Sky
Sold Vacant Eyes, Frenzy Avenger Helm, Spiral Eyes, Norm Max/Fire High BKC, Electric Cat Tail, Bloom Halo, Heavy Sealed Pauldrons, Regal Aero Fin
Added Surge Drags, Ruby Crown, Knight Name Change Pass, Ruby costumes, Black Kat Cloak
60k cr for any Splash costume, as listed!
Sold Celestial Wolver Tail, Nefarious Hood, Devious Horns, Book of Dark Rituals, Heavy Gear Halo, Crown of Winter
Could I possibly trade my Vile Cat Tail for a Polar one? I'll also mail you in-game about this, just incase. ;) )
I'm afraid I'll have to pass, I don't have a duplicate of the Polar. Thanks for asking!
Added Ruby Crown & Disciple Wings
Sold Surge Dragon Wings, Electric Cat Tail, Furious Fork, Military Wolver Tail
Looking for 10-12kE, thanks!
I'll take it for 10k? :3 you free to meet in game now?
Sold Frenzy Plate Mail, Cool Dapper Combo, Mewkat Monster Pocket, Spiralhorn Prize Box, Toasty Flower, Regal Vents
Back again. Mind reserving the Electric dragon wings for me when you're ready to sell?
How does 350k sound?
@Xanisher: Sounds fair to me, let me know whenever you're ready to buy.
@Killydwarf: Was actually hoping to save those, as Surge is fairly high in demand and I've only got the one.
Sold BKC, Crest of Curse, Polar Dragon Wings, Black Kat Cloak, Knight Name Change Pass
Added another Crest of Curse, Electric Drags, 30-Day Heat Amp, Ruby Prize Boxes
Sold Regal Gear Halo, Shadow Party Hat, Toasty Long Feather, Regal Long Feather, Verdant Glasses
Traded BKC for Ruby Crown + ce
Sold Electric Toupee, Spiralhorn Prize Box
Added Citrine Chap, Dusky Drags
Search the original post next time, please; I don't have any Round Shades in my inventory.
Sold Lovely Cat Tail, Military Long Feather, Crown of Summer
Added Blazing Boxes, Ruby Disciple Wings
reserved some stuff
Traded Dazed Seeing Stars Halo for Crown of Winter
Sold Deadly Charcoaler, Polar Sarongs, Snowfall Aura
Added Devious Horns, Cat Tails, Maskeraith Pod