
2 replies [Last post]

So, I think that the sword abilities need to be tweaked slightly.

If we don't mash the attack key, and apply it more slowly and steadily, we can do single swings, preventing us from moving; like can be done with guns to prevent the need for reloading. [There's not the same damage output of course] Also allows quick shield application.

The ability to prevent a combo from completing. Being hurled into a thorn bush isn't a top priority for me, especially when I get knocked back by a Lumber or similar monster, further tangling me in the health sapping, and often poisoning, hell-hole.

Thanks for reading ^^

Legacy Username
I don't really see which

I don't really see which point you want to make here. Which tweaks are you thinking of?

Legacy Username
i think that he wants to remove the timing

timing attacks is quite a balanced feature, if you se it this way (apart from the huge khoro...but, it's kind of balanced). If you time your attacks, you can make small attacks without finishing the combo, but this gives to you a huge disvantage: you don't interrupt enemy attacks. So, if you are fighting a lot of monsters, this tatics is quite suicidal, mostly because you will be overwelmed quite easilly. With khoro is the same, but it requires more monsters to overwelm you, but also, when you are overwelmed, you will have a quite slow weapon to try to get out off the mess.