After 2 weeks of not one login onto SK, my interest in this game is .001%. Really, for the last few months I was only forum lurking/trolling anyhow. Even though I know the reaction from you guys to my posts on the forums has been almost always the same,, I have always enjoyed this community. I have been ever faithful to the game, reluctantly came back to SK when Nick said DLC would be tradeable for non F2Players, and seen a lot patches. I have seen the joy that was SK's beta, and was full of joy whenever a patch came. This game has made me want to be more mature, even though I will never be mature, even at my age of 16. Seerusly. It has been a while since beta, hasn't it? *Tries to stop unmanly tears of joy from sliding down cheek*
I cannot say I am leaving the game permanently, as some people say they do. I may return, and sometimes lurk in the forums when I am bored. However, I definitely am not going to spend much time on SK or on its forums. I will miss you guys! See y'all around sometime. I know I will not be missed as much as the other pro players, but still, I will miss you all! Goodbye everyone!
Didn't know you in game at all, but you're a familiar forum face. Take care!