Knights & Day
Hello everyone! Redfevrier here announcing KaD 2.o run by Lostillusion & Myself for the time-being. I'm sure most are aware that Knights and Day was previously run by Bigfootm, but he left recently to pursue bigger things. We wish him well on his travels and take this opportunity to move KaD into a new age. We are still kind & friendly, but not quite as active! That's why we need YOU to join! :)
A Brief Paragraph About Knights & Day
Knights and Day (or as we affectionately call it: KaD) was created on May 4th, 2011 by Bigfootm in the hopes he'd have a "good guild". Well, Big got quite a bit more than he'd bargained for! Knights and Day is now over 1 year old. There've been huge booms in activity as well as very quiet spots, however, the idea of the guild being a big, happy, squabbling, laughing- good- family has never been lost.
The first boss we ever killed as a guild, when we were very very small, was the Jelly King. Now we kill his wife…. We hope you like it here ;D
The Pass Code of SuperSecretliness is Cake!
See our Wikipage for more Information!
See our Website & Join!
See the Guild Tumblr
Coming Soon!
Stuff We do that Makes the World a Better Place
- We go on guild runs regularly
- Multiple visits to Vanaduke per day
- Occasionally we lunch with the Jelly King, but not too often
- Shadow Lairs!
- Prestige!
- Danger Missions O:
Stuff We do that Doesn't Necessarily Help Anyone
- We tell stupid jokes
- Random acts of mass confusion
- Squabbles where someone says something stupid and makes everyone else angry, causing the officers to get up on their soap boxes
- The occasional feels of watching a train wreck
- The more than occasional feels of being wrapped in a fuzzy blanket full of laughter, love, and warm fuzziness that makes you want to stay there forever and ever. Really just code for, we're all really good friends :)
About the GMs
Lostillusion: Lost is the voice of reason. The hand of justice. Spock. Some think he's a mystical lizard, others say he's an emotionless robot. (He does beep on occasion…) Whatever he is, Lost will always be there- whether you need him on a run or to give you the correct buying price for your volcanic wings.
P.S. I also like to think of Lost as the Weekday GM as he's usually on during the week.
Redfevrier: I need to write my bio >.<
P.S. I'm not usually online during the week unless I get a break in homework.
Important Stuffies about Activity
Knights and Day's Activity Policy is much like Tier Zero's. In fact, it's the same.........*crickets*...... Anywho! We thought that it was a good policy. Here it is:
We don't require too much of our members except that they actually log onto Spiral Knights occasionally. Basically, that means at least once a month, and we won't usually get around to kicking people out unless they haven't logged on in two months or longer. Inactivity kicks ALWAYS come with the guarantee that if you start playing again after a period of absence, we'll invite you back into the guild, no questions asked. It's more of an organization thing to keep the guild roster from being too cluttered with inactive people than anything else. If that's you, please send us a mail in-game to let us know you're back!
Cleanups are held on the 20th of each month :)
Our message to the inactives is still the same as it was before:
Dear Inactives:
If you have been removed from Knights and Day, you have been removed for inactiveness. We will GLADLY reinvite you back in, just please mail one of us ingame!
Redfevrier & Losillusion
Want to Join? You should!
Applying is simpe! Send a message to one of the GMs with the following application. After one of our representatives contacts you we'll take you on a run so we can meet you (and you can meet us!). KaD is predominantly a T3 guild, so the testing location is usually Depth 25 of FSC.
1-What is your IGN?*
2-How often are you on?*
3-What tier are you?*
4-How often do you craft things?
5-How often do you do boss runs and which do you do?*
6-If I give away free cake, which cake do you like better? Chocolate or Vanilla?
7-What are your equips?*
8-What is the super secret passcode of super secretliness?
9-What bosses can you KILL?*
10-Why do YOU want to join our guild?*
See our Old Recruitment Page for.... I dunno why...
Good luck n fix the link for your website its linked 2 information which regular people can not view thus access denied msg.
better link