... for its hilarity value.
Uh. That's not what I said, benightz. I'm saying that you could do a better job of recognizing when this sort of thing is a joke, and if you already do, you should probably not throw personal insults at the people who are trolling.
At no point did I say anything that would imply that you "had no life", and at no point did I say that you had no sense of humor; what I meant by the "and someone with a sense of humor" thing was that I found the thread funny.
So many people have been working for so long to get better guild things, Search guild improvements you'll get tons of stuff, everyone want's it this is a terrible idea
The Guild Hall update alludes to the Guilded Age around the 1880s of America. The Guilded Age was a time when immigrants faced huge opposition to there cultures and where forced to "Americanize". Not only did the people of the Guilded Age slander people's values and beliefs, Political Machines also bought votes from immigrants win elections. In addition to these hostilities, there were also Robber Barons who monopolized specific products so that he/she would control the entire market of that product and thus be very wealthy by controlling prices.
We don't want no Robber Barons, nor Political Machines, or opposition to newbies to just came to Spiral Knights!
Vote No on Guild Hall update! Sign this Petition! Blueflood knows what's best!
~We certify that there are no grammer mistakes or information discrepancies in the previous paragraph~
i really dont know why are you so against that guild hall update?
you dont even know how it would look like and you are already complaining
are you afraid of changes?im against this petition
Sarcasm is good for laughs and cheering up but too much makes you look stupid......
Just Saying
1. Knights will want to be in the guildhall instead of playing the game, killing the mission system.
2. The congregation of Knights in a small area will lead to disease, judging by the price of maid headbands it is obvious nobody in this game can clean up after themselves. Diseases will mutate and be carried by snipes, infecting the whole population.
3. Other bad things I am yet to think of.
4. See number 2.
5. Reserved for potential other comments.
6. Blueflood is against it.
7. The current guildhall is perfect.
8. The patch will take minutes of time I could be playing the game.
9. The patch could also include a stealth patch of the wrench wand, destroying the competitive balance of T3 Lockdown.
10. The extra space needed will destroy the habitat of the native snipe population.
They haven't killed the game yet.
Keep hope alive.
This is not a suggestion, and was not placed in the "holy" suggestion forum by the author. I assume this was buried here by the community manager to die a slow painful death.
Good suggestions that fit with the developers agenda are utilized. Now lets get back on topic, sign the petition.
Consider the suggestions as hell because it's creepy
Wow, near three pages...caaaaaaareful, too much more discussion on the subject and they might decide to just take this thread seriously as an excuse to stop working on the update~
I just visited my <Bear Cavalry> Guild Hall today and as far as I could tell it looked exactly the same as when I last checked it!
You guys are doing a great job with the petition effort, I must say. If you keep it up, maybe the devs will discontinue work on what might be the only thing keeping some of us older players around!
Fight on, friends. Fight on.
This was placed in suggestions by the admins? 'cause it doesn't belong there, unlike a simple petition would.
Not to be mean, but I don't care about this petition. It's only because I'm fighting with my opinion that I don't want the project to be scraped off
Benightz, I think you missed the point of this thread~
Dont feed the trolls anymore, they're going to explode !
2nd page of doom (ಥ益ಥ)