Hi Everyone!
I am looking for several actors (to be more specific, looking for 8 main actors) for my upcoming SK video/movie, which is about 4-5 minutes long. The movie will be a halloween themed-ish type. I plan to record once guild halls are released so I can take advantage of the neat guild halls for my recording. I am not going to say the plot because that would kind of ruin the surprise + suspense of the video :c.
Parts (Format: Part name/Requirements for the part/Current Actor):
Lifeless Object/5* Wolver outfit of some kind, 2 5* Weapons, Noob armor/Midnight-Wing
Scientist #1/Tier 3 Lockdown Outfit/Shovelheadmcgee
Scientist #2/Tier 3 Lockdown Outfit/Contri
Scientist #3/Tier 3 Lockdown Outfit/Vanillateddy
Scientist #4/ Tier 3 Lockdown Outfit/Azraelwing
Top Murderer in Lockdown/5* Wolver outfit of some kind, 5* Weapons/Bigfootm
Victim #1/5* Wolver helm of some kind/Myrtle
Victim #2/5* Wolver armor of some kind/Ihateeverything
Victim #3/5* Weapon/Metaalpha
Victim #4/5* Weapon/Shidara
Extra (Minor) Parts:
Messenger/Good Looking Outfit that resembles the appearance of a messenger (something like heavenly iron armor? but not the helm)/Abosolute
Healer/Cute Outfit (resembling a fairy, preferably, if not, thats fine)/Canine-Vladmir
Requirements for everyone:
Comment below or mail me in game your available times.
Accept friend request from me or ask for friend request w/ description saying you want to be an actor.
Be okay with me recording you in Lockdown.
Let me know your IGN, if it's different from your forum post.
If you are interested in taking part for my movie, comment below or PM me in game. Once I get you signed up, I will tell you more details about the plot, the characters, and how things will go. As I get more people wanting to participate, I will update the Parts list above. If you would like to participate, but not be one of those main parts, go ahead and comment or mail me stating that you would like to participate as a minor part.
Thanks! :)
P.S. If you haven't seen my other videos, check them out at this forum thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/64824
Edit: Thank you everyone who have expressed interest in being a part of my video. If your name is not up in the main list of parts and you still would like to participate, I have a role that involves an "audience" that you can be in. I hope this video will look great and thank you everyone for previewing my previous videos! I hope I can entertain the SK community more as SK rolls on.
Sounds good to me since I didn't get into the last one.
I'm on randomly, but normally often.
Deebs on Top Murderer~