Ok here's mine.
Problem: too many newbs/noobs are posting mindless suggestions not using the search bar with only 1 sentence detail.
Solution: Have something that says that it is already suggested before. Like similiar threads column or something.
Ok here's mine.
Problem: too many newbs/noobs are posting mindless suggestions not using the search bar with only 1 sentence detail.
Solution: Have something that says that it is already suggested before. Like similiar threads column or something.
Problem: Same as Zopyros-ll (Game is too messy)
Solution: Listen to the people who actually announce the problems not the whiners who complain about stupid things like Auto Target. Because there are actually threads out there that explain how they would go about it if they were Moderators of the game. Just take small bits of advice from them.
And honestly if OOO's doesn't at least try something the people are going to leave Spiral Knights and never come back. OOO's better shape up or ship out.
In this thread, I see a lot of suggestion to the game. Aphrodite do your thing please.
- "Aphrodite do your thing please."
It's not a shard bomb thread so it automatically becomes a discussion and not a suggestion.
Problem: I have to pay for stuff and I don't want to.
Solution: Make it free.
Problem: SK lacks ideas for bosses and new content.
Solution: this thread http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/68284
OOO claims that OCH it maybe impossible for them to make OCH accessible for all F2P players with CE cost (not direct payment). After while, when OOO is supposed to work on that, it appears out of nowhere on asian server. Players on asian server can buy OCH with CE while in here OOO still is "working on it".
OOO should finally tell us GTFO F2P, you wont get OCH, we know that its available on asian server, if they had ability to make it happen we also have it but we just don't want to do it. There is also option 2, OOO should finally let us get OCH with CE payment not only with direct $$$ payment.
Danger missions are too hard.
Problem: Lack of respect
Solution: Tougher rules and more hardworking GMs
-Problem: Spur, Arc Razor, and Winmillion don't take a step forward with the first swipe.
-Solution: Bring it back.
-Problem: Spur, Arc Razor, and Winmillion don't take a step forward with the first swipe.
-Solution: Bring it back.
-Problem: Spur line ends at 4*. But there are other priorities. Like bringing back the primary lunge.
-Solution: Bring it back.
-Problem: Spur, Arc Razor, and Winmillion don't take a step forward with the first swipe.
-Solution: Bring it back.
I used to love the Spur series. Then it became a cooler-looking, faster, yet MUCH weaker calibur. Problem?
Your post is full of win, pretty much summarizes the types of players in the SK community.
Problem: No weapon balance. Some weapons can be used in place of other weapons in ANY situation. I'm talking about the cutter lines, spur lines, iron slug, shard lines (after the lame nerf), deconstructor line and some others I may have missed.
Solution: Balance them. Buff their damage or change their mechanics FOR THE BETTER (unlike with the shard bombs).
problem: i never used rss and i am a bomber :(
solution: bring it back.
*rss whining ends*
problem: the cluster bombs have great potential, but even a mist bomb can harm a skeleton more than the crystal bomb blast+shard.
solution: minor damage buff
problem: freeze being weak. at least against us.
solution: ice shouldn't be broken by monster attacks while shielding, and thawing must affect us like all the monsters in the cw.
problem: wolver dens are BORING.
solution: give 'em their tracking abilities back.
problem: stun is brok-
that's all.
Problem: People keep crying.
Solution: Lock this thread Eury and hit em with the ban stick!
Problem:Too many people keep whining about spam.
Solution:Tell them really that it's just spiced ham and there's nothing to worry about because spam is delicious and has a lot of protein and can make you healthy! So eat it before it eats you!
-Problem: Not enough Plasmatech Swag.
-Solution: Bring the Spur line's primary lunge back. And make people have moar Plasmatech Swag.
Problem: There is almost no reason to go to the arcade anymore.
Solution: Arcade elevators cost 5 energy rather than 10.
Problem: Monster nerfs have made T3 clockworks mindlessly easy, and almost indistinguishable from T2 clockworks.
Solution: Add more monsters to T3. That or roll back some of the nerfs. That would be super cool.
Problem: CE is too expensive.
Solution: Have an NPC sell mist tanks.