How do you make a profit from accessories in the AH?

It is same as with every other good.
when the interrest in a item rises (more people want it) the price will rise too.
Thairfor the best would be to buy something no one wants and sell it later when it is wanted.
Another aspect is the amount of it beeing in the market.
For example you can buy a item from some event and sell it half a year later when it becomes rare.
Basically because of it beeing rare by then also the price you can sell it for will be much higher !

i buy accessories to make myself pretty, not reselling, theres probally science behind it or something, idk.
I DONT BUY KEYS, cuz i got bad luck. i keep losing money so i just buy from AH straight cuz its cheaper for me
key/box=around 67kcrowns to open. with that in mind, anything below 67k crowns is a huge bargain. if im feeling cheeful, ill get something at 100k to make the buyer feel like he/she made a bargain.
but usually, i get 50k stuff.
If i do find a item that is priced too low, i buy it and i DO resell it at its normal price, but that rarely happens.
hope this helped.

Shhhh.. the less people know, the more profit for me xD

I'm not saying how I make my mils but I once found a white chap for 100k on the AH and sold for 45kce. Also some accessories I've bought are Volc bomb bandoiler for 2kcrowns and a tails tails for 3k crowns, sonic both parts for 2k crowns each. To be honest its really easy to flip items on the AH. All you need is time.

Try sorting by end time to catch things that end for less than they're worth, and try sorting by buy price to catch things that are just plain mis-priced. Sometimes you find that CTR VH Calibur for 22k, but most of the time it's just making sure that you're selling at some profit. Over time, the small profits will add up, and any profit is a profit.
+1 to "all you need is time".
buy low, sell high?