Hello, I am a maybe year old user. I went inactive about 5 months ago. I'm back, but I need help with Vanas. I don't have level 5 gear yet, so I'll need to get some money. You can get money the fastest on Vana right? I have 4 level five weapons; Combuster, Polaris, War Hammer (Expansion) And the Bomb from the expansion. Can anyone help me? I can't do the missions yet because I don't have level 5 armor to get past the 'Hall of Ages' Thanks! Pm me ingame at StormWillCome. Also, I have Level 4 wolf, and 4* Owlite Shield.
Hello. Vana runs?
Well, the arcade Vana does require a much greater time commitment, since you may get stuck doing the levels leading up to it in stratum 6. That, in turn, results in a much lower crown yield. Although it is till extremely profitable, these are important considerations, especially considering how hard it is to find a party in the Arcade.
If you can't find a party, take Alynn's advice (maybe you'll find a valuable recipe at Basil), but otherwise there's nothing wrong with trying to get invited to Vana runs.
Send me a friend request. If you see me online, feel free to hit me up for a Vana run.
IGN - Princeberton
I recommend that you run Royal Jelly Palace and Arenas. To be the most efficient, you should only do those floors that give you the most crowns. Only running the first two floors of Jelly Palace outputs approximately 2.2k for 20 energy. Running 100 energy on good JP runs would give you 11k Crowns. With current CE Prices, you would profit roughly 1.8k for these JP runs. Now that doesn't sound like a lot, but if you ONLY use mist energy, 11k per day isn't bad. Now another way to gain money for your upgrades is that you go look for materials. Wolver drops sell for a hefty sum in the AH, as many people will try to go for the Skolver, or Snarbolax sets.
It will take a minimum of 2800 energy, and 4 days of mist to make your FULL 5* clearance, but seeing that you have weapons covered, it will be 2100 CE and 3 days to make a Shield, Helm, and Armor.
Now assuming that you can get into Vana runs, Id recommend leaving before tha Vana fight unless you are confident in your teams damage output and survivability. Vana runs profit a fair amount, 4 floors (Without the vana fight and without reviving via energy) you gain about 7.5k. 80 mist will grant you 15k, and using that 15k, you can buy CE at the ludicrous prices that they are at, but continue running vana with more profit; a 6k profit. This will leave you with 20 energy each run that you can let accumulate into that crazy 800 CE Crafting requirement.
In this economy, a 9.2k /100ce Exchange rate, it will take 73.6k to get 800 energy. I've made 100k in a week off of merchanting completely, Adding Vana runs, that's an easy 40k for 2 hours of play. This game takes patience and cooperation. I wish you the best of luck
I think he means Hall of Heroes
Srsly, just do the arcade. S'what we all had to do before missions came out. Either do the missions in order, as intended, or do the arcade in whichever order you please, as intended but don't try to rush/skip either~
@Stormwillcome Don't fall into the stereotype that I've managed to create in my head: That everyone in this generation is impatient. Just grind it out and enjoy what comes your way. Be grateful for what you have and have fun.
He/She already fell into a sterotype
Brandsh line sword
Owlite Shield
Wolver line armor (most likely Skolver)
Oh, and wants to run Vana for money...
Now all you needs is a DA and GF, Blitz, and you'll be like everyone else... (Not me, I'm a rebel. Bombers FTW)
Sorry for falling into the 'Stereo Type' This is my first account, and I don't plan on doing the same with the rest. Planning to have a bomber account, and a gunner. I only went this way because someone told me to. I couldn't stop after 4*.
You don't need to have multiple accounts for different playstyles. Otherwise you'll be stuck in the same position you are now when you go to heat things up for your gunner/bomber gear.
Do the arcade vana. Don't be lazy
You don't need missions or "hall of ages", whatever they are.