why does a wolver coat and cap protect against piercing? wolvers are weak to piercing, so why did they choose pierce defense and not elemental? same goes with croma stuff, why? (not asking for a change, just wondering)
something i noticed...

what wrong with the owlite shield? owlites are magicians who excel in elemental defence. who are also extinct.

The energy and materials used when crafting can affect the properties of the original stuff.

Wrong. Owlites are kats which is undead and weak against elemental. "Owlites are magicians who excel in elemental" is just a trivia.

Owlites and Kats are totally different things. Use some common sense.

Weel, it goes like this:
-Everyone agrees that Peirce defence is the worst. (Well, everyone who doesn't farm the RJP.)
-Wolver line stuff is OP.
-Ergo, Wolver line has Pierce to kinda balance it.
Chroma's just underpowered anyway, BUT it specializes in slimes, which deal Piercing defence. Think defence-wise, not lore-wise.

Then how could owlite feathers drop from kats? Duh.

Cats eat birds.
Archilus in the Hall of Heroes confirms the Owlites are, in fact, extinct.

he also confirms that they specialized in elemental defense.

So you tell me that "Kats ate owlites and we gather owlite feathers from kats' stomaches"? Mhmmmm

kats may or may not be owlites, but if they are, then they have become UNDEAD so they have different defenses then when they where alive. they could have had elemental defense when they were alive for all you know.

Kats were at war with owlites, used dark magic that killed both species.(comfirmed lore)
Uses corpses of owlites for magic rituals.
How can an owl become a Kat?
If that's your logic, then what is your theiroes for these:
how can a Robot hold a energy source from the dephs of the water?
Or wolvers with warping dust.

^It is good to see you filling your ego batteries.
OK calm down denizens, i didn't know there was a war between owlites and kats. I'm a massive idiot, sorry, dont kill me.

* Puts Lightning Ravenger behind my back*.

/kill burntsouls
oops sorry too late

You can revive with only 2 mist? Come to T3 or stop getting killed in LD.

now now, come out. it's okay. we won't hurt you. *charges shiver*
I was also thinking about that, and same goes to owlite shield. Maybe while gms codding these items', they forgot the monsters' resistances which is about the item.