[Twilight Spectrum] = Recruiting new member!! >> | Vana | SL | Help people in mission | Prestige | Lockdown! <3 | <<

Greeting's Noble Knight..
We are gathering knight for the Twilight.. We do Shadow Lair, Vanaduck, Helping People in Mission, Prestige and some lockdown!
Shadow Lair
1) Tell a guildmate that you wanna do shadow lair..
2) Each people who want to go SL need to pay 450ce (share key price)
1) We spam vana to become rich
2) We do vana everyday
Helping People in Mission
1) We help people in Mission..
2) Give a tab to any member that helping you..
3) Member that being tab, must pay the ce revive..
1) We do prestige everyday..
1) We are ready to accepting any GLD challenge
2) We are PVE + PVP guild!
1) All tier are welcome..
2) Must treat our guildmate like a friend/family..
3) No scamming..
4) No begging.. (You may ask.. But not beg)
5) Have fun with other guildmate..
Answer the question below before joining the guild :-
1) Where to do live? (About Time.. [PST and etc] )
2) Why do you want to join the guild?? <3
3) Thanks for responds ( Love You All ) <3

I would like to join, I'll be online at Thursday 5:00 A.M UTC+4 (Time may vary).
1) Where to do live? (About Time.. [PST and etc] )
- I live currently in UAE. (UTC+4)
2) Why do you want to join the guild?? <3
- I want to experience having a guild that's much more less strict. More or less..
3) Thanks for responds ( Love You All ) <3
- Your welcome.

Welcome to our family.. I hope we can have fun together.. :D
We only recruit an active player..