Will the price go up if I waited?
Haunted Arua (now or later?)
Wait a few days and the price will fall.
Wait a few weeks and the price will rise.
Personally, I'd sell now and buy back later in the event.
Do you think that trend applies to everything, or just the very desired items? I'm torn because the harvest festival items are available now, which would make them worth less because of the greater supply, but many people also want costumes before Halloween, which means greater demand (possibly).
Also, I've been wondering if I should just hold off on selling anything, even mats, for awhile. The holiday promotion has encouraged far more people than usual to go into the clockworks, increasing the numbers of mats and rare recipes that people are picking up. But it's also encouraged more people to play, and this increased number of players, including lots of new and retuning players, might need/want things.
Most likely a huge price increase will be available only for wanted items, all the others will just get a minor price increase, nothing too much worthy, why? Because even if they're rare they're still ugly.
Rare stuff invariably increases in price because availability ceases, meaning the only way to get it is via AH, which pushes up the prices. The crap parts will go up a bit, but not really much overall as there'll be a lot of them, no one likes them etc. Haunted Auras will almost certainly go up a fair deal though, as people start to want them after they're unavailable, or folk who missed the event etc
Most likely.